Pretty much in the title, the only time I interact with the windows key in its standard operating condition is getting pissed off that the start menu opened. I use it in other capacities such as taking screen shots and other key commands but I got to wondering if anyone, ever actually uses it to access the start menu.

Also if anyone comes here and posts “dOnT uSe wINdoWs,” you really are cute.

Edit: I am more curious if anyone actually gets utility out of its default behavior (opening the start menu). I am aware that it is used in a number of key commands (although some are new to me).

  • @[email protected]
    405 hours ago

    I use it a lot. Ever since windows 8, the best way to use windows has been hit the windows key and type what you want.

    Additionally there are a few shortcuts that are handy

    • win + L for locking
    • win + E for file explorer
    • win + D for desktop
    • win + ctrl + alt + shift + L to hate what windows has become
    • @jacksilver
      94 hours ago

      Also “win + - > or <-” to move a tile to left or right side.

    • DaGeek247
      74 hours ago

      Well, I’d say the start menu peaked in Windows 7, where it only showed good local results, but it is still the best way to open something I know the name of.

      • @[email protected]
        12 hours ago

        You can disable online results permanently with about 15 minutes of web searching and adjusting settings (including within registry and group policy, but still).

        • DaGeek247
          12 hours ago

          Not on my work computer, the only place I use windows, I can’t. A workaround is never a complete fix.

    • @credo
      34 hours ago

      win + ; for some fun ascii art

    • @[email protected]
      -13 hours ago

      I had to google ctrl shift with dogs l, and…

      It k8nd of makes sense: I bet the type of person who actually use this hockey is the same kind of person who reposts motivational corporate shite every 10 minutes.