• Iceblade
    15 hours ago

    every time I hear that…

    Well, you didn’t even read any of those strawman sentences, and given that there isn’t anybody but us still here it really is a waste of effort to continue to speculate about what you think that I think.

    I did not claim you do this:

    No, I don’t “immediately” call anything racist.

    What I did write was this:

    People like you, immediately shutting down any discussion…

    …and as of yet you seem to fall within that category. Feel free to prove me wrong instead of continuing a rather pointless meta-discussion about what we think that people like the other party think and do…

    Far away from…?

    Reasonably far away, at least from where I am now.

    Preferrably somewhere without explosions and gang shootings every other day, somewhere a kid might be able to have a calm childhood and youth - like I had less than two decades ago. Without needing to worry about being shot, assaulted or raped. There’s plenty of other more esoteric things obviously.

    These aren’t some made up stories or “doomsday scenarios” mind you, these are things that occur on a regular basis near where I live - things that me, my colleagues, friends and family experience first-hand.

    Maybe just up north in Sweden, or moving to Finland, Ireland, Norway, S. Korea or Japan. I’ve considered New Zealand & Australia too, but they’re a bit hot for my taste.