• geekwithsoul
        1820 hours ago

        Oh, they’ve said repeatedly that they are “not afraid of Trump winning” and the statements about the dangers of another Trump are “fear-mongering” and “exaggerations.”

        Absolutely screams only the kind of privilege you see in middle class, white, cis, hetero males. Honestly sort of surprised they’re not spouting Ayn Rand bs, but definitely the same vibe.

        • @[email protected]
          617 hours ago

          Nah, brah, they are a TrAnSrAcIaL mOrMoN sAtAnIsT who recently went from being a viking on their profile to a Skyrim-style cool ass black warrior. This is how you know they are completely real and not fake in any way. And don’t you forget it – this mother fucker is 100% WoKeFrEe!

        • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
          17 hours ago

          middle class, white, cis, hetero males.

          So are you saying those are bad things? Are you trying to judge or shame people for how they were born or their skin color?! Why did you bring race and sexuality into this?!

          Wow. Just wow. Pretty icky. I can’t take anything you say seriously now. You are showing your true colors.

          • @[email protected]
            714 hours ago

            The are obviously saying it’s gross that you would let other people suffer since you apparently belong to a group of people that won’t suffer for your actions. But sure, go ahead and cram a bunch of words in someone’s mouth in an effort from distract from what you are doing.

          • geekwithsoul
            616 hours ago

            Ha! You are a precious snowflake my friend! I offered no condemnation or even opinion on any of those things. Strange that’s where your mind went to though.

            I just suggested that you evidenced the kind of privilege really only ever seen amongst a certain demographic. Are you saying people in that demographic aren’t privileged? Are you denying the systemic oppression to women and people of color? The enforced economic disadvantage on the poor and working class?!

            It’s almost laughable that you call yourself a socialist.

            • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
              11 hours ago

              I’m not even in the demographic that you tried to mock me with. Do you think all people in that demographic are privileged?!

              I’m not denying oppression of women or color. My mother is black. I don’t even know why you are bringing those things up.

              I’m starting to see your true colors. Ewww…

              • geekwithsoul
                212 hours ago

                Ah yes - “Pretend confusion followed by dramatic exaggerated disgust (from obvious twist of words)”

                Playing the classics!

                  • geekwithsoul
                    211 hours ago

                    Oh, is there a reading comprehension problem on your end? My apologies! What words do you need help with?

          • geekwithsoul
            819 hours ago

            Well, I guess since you thanked me for it, the summary is 100% accurate. Good to know, friend!

            • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
              -517 hours ago

              Thanking you for something doesn’t mean you got it right. But you tried. So hey, as long as you are trying, friend.

              I’m still not voting for you candidate. :)

              • geekwithsoul
                117 hours ago

                That’s okay, no one with any brains is voting for yours. Since you switched from Stein, your candidate won’t even crack .05%. So while half the country may vote against my candidate, at least 99.95% aren’t voting for yours.

                • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
                  -514 hours ago

                  Well then you have no reason to get mad or worry about anything, right? I mean, our numbers are so pitiful, you have no reason to be upset. :)

                  • geekwithsoul
                    111 hours ago

                    I mean, other than the fact that you’re obviously so privileged — as you’ve said so often — to not be afraid of Trump winning. And then so oblivious, callous, and dismissive of other people who are justifiably worried that you spend an inordinate amount of time trying to persuade folks that voting third party in the presidential race is a justifiable idea.

                    And unfortunately third party wankers do have both a chance at helping Trump win AND having no chance to win themselves. Or did you already forget the fine print in the Quinnipac poll you yourself posted this morning? So there is a great moral peril and a frivolous display, and actual adults should have no trouble telling one from the other.

          • @[email protected]
            419 hours ago

            Doubt it. The campaign you’ve embarked here would not make much sense for you do engage in if you were going to do so.

      • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
        20 hours ago

        Don’t care. Still not voting for either one of them. :)

        • @[email protected]
          819 hours ago

          You know all of Lemmy can see right through you, right? Just say you want Trump to win and we can all move on.

          • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
            -617 hours ago

            If I wanted Trump to win, I’d vote for him. But I’m not voting for him. Thank you!

            • @[email protected]
              417 hours ago

              If you care so little about the performance of the 2 major parties of the US electoral system, why did you even bother to post the original article?

              • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
                -517 hours ago

                It’s political news, this is a political news sub. I didn’t write the write the article.

                • @[email protected]
                  417 hours ago

                  Posting to Lemmy is always optional, if you find an article you’re apathetic about you don’t actually have to post or crosspost it. Try again.

                  • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
                    -614 hours ago

                    It is optional. And if I see an article I think is interesting, I am perfectly free to post it. See how that works? :)

        • @[email protected]
          16 hours ago

          Yeah dude, we know you don’t care.

          Like the other person said… We all see through you. You’d be making better use of your time shilling somewhere else.

          • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
            -411 hours ago

            Well if you seem to think I am making poor use of my time, then you shouldn’t be afraid of what I am posting. You have nothing to worry about, right?!

          • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
            -514 hours ago


            So is every poster that posts a news article here, “shilling”? Because if so there seem to be a lot of shillers for Harris.

            I support and respect your right to vote for who you want to. And you support and respect my right to vote for who I want to, right?

        • @ccunning
          516 hours ago

          That’s some top tier bad faith logic right there…

          • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
            14 hours ago

            How so? That’s the exact mindset of many people who post here.

            • @ccunning
              214 hours ago

              The comic’s logic; not you posting it. I completely believe the comic fooled you.

              • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
                -514 hours ago

                I have voted third party since before you were born. No comic fooled me, friend. Thank you!

                • @ccunning
                  113 hours ago

                  I have voted third party since before you were born

                  Not sure what this has to do with what I said?? Just throwing around ‘appeal to age’ fallacies for the fun of it? Wow. Your old. Congratulations on not dying yet? Also, you’re just wrong.

                  No comic fooled me

                  It seems to. Happy to hear back from you once you’ve figured out where it gotcha…

                  • Socialist Chaos TrowOP
                    -513 hours ago

                    Not sure what this has to do with what I said??

                    Because you said the comic fooled me. But I have been “fooled” long before that comic was created.

                    Also, you’re just wrong.

                    In YOUR opinion. But about half of the voting population isn’t voting for your candidate. So are they all wrong too? Every single one?! lmao

                    once you’ve figured out where it gotcha…

                    No clue what that means.