Donald Trump continues to suck up to the Russian president.

If Ukraine were to suddenly surrender to Russia, everything would be “much better,” at least according to Donald Trump.

During an afternoon press conference Wednesday, the Republican presidential nominee urged the Eastern European nation to submit to the foreign power, claiming that any deal, no matter how dismal for Ukraine’s freedom, would have been better than the current state of affairs.

“Ukraine is gone. It’s not Ukraine anymore. You can never replace those cities and towns, and you can never replace the dead people, so many dead people,” Trump said. “Any deal, even the worst deal, would have been better than what we have right now.

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  • @[email protected]
    106 months ago

    a useful idiot

    Useful idiot has specific meaning. It is someone who is so dumb that you can convince him to betray his country for free and he does believe he is doing right thing.

    I am pretty sure this piece of shit is getting paid.

    • @lostinasea
      36 months ago

      Interesting. I learned something new today. Thanks for sharing! And no doubt he’s been bought/getting paid. Everything about him screams Russian asset.

    • @pigup
      36 months ago

      Oh there’s definitely kompromat on him. He’s done terrible things to children on video I’m sure. He owes dark money to dangerous people.

      • @RestrictedAccount
        36 months ago

        You don’t need to subscribe to wild theories to understand this.

        He was listed in the Epstein flight logs seven times.

        He built condos for Russian oligarchs to launder money.