Here is the text of the NIST sp800-63b Digital Identity Guidelines.

  • Corhen
    64 hours ago

    also: “password is too long, max password length is 12 digits”

    Why… like, sure, cap it at 256 or something reasonable. but ive run into as low as 9 digits.

    • @[email protected]
      2 hours ago

      One of the four major banks in Australia used to (or maybe still does?) limit passwords to 6 characters. No more, no less. Exactly 6. They’re case insensitive, too.

      One of the other banks used to silently truncate passwords (to 12 characters if I remember correctly). They removed the truncation one day, and there were so many issues because people who had passwords longer than 12 characters couldn’t log in unless they knew to only enter the first 12 characters of it. It was a mess. Their phone support had a recorded message saying to only enter the first 12 characters if you have trouble logging in.

    • @Sneezydinosaur
      44 hours ago

      I had a simulator for school truncate after like 13 characters. And nowhere on their page did it specify a character limit. Would still accept an input of like 64 characters though. Got locked out of that account many times.

      • @Hazor
        44 hours ago

        I’ve run into similar: on the account creation page there was no character limit on the input box nor stated in the password requirements, but on the login page the password input box was limited to 14 characters. So you could successfully create an account with a long password, you just couldn’t log in because it wouldn’t let you enter the whole password.