• Doom
      74 months ago

      Depends what the two things are.

      Two Russians ain’t protecting fuck all

      Two of these will protect a good amount

    • RubberDuck
      64 months ago

      This thing is so new … the only models out there are the ones Rheinmetall uses for testing. Noone else has these or anything like it.

      If these things work under combat conditions more will come for sure… but for phase 1 the Ukranians get to field the bees knees in anti drone tech and see if it works… hopefully keeping troops safe.

    • ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
      54 months ago

      said it a few times before: russia is doomed. when germans start a thing it takes time to get going, but dear lord they dont understand when to stop. so rheinmetal is going to ramp shit up until ukraine can beat china. and then they will produce even more. until a lot of ppl tell them to stop. it is a doctrine now. german industry help ukraine = growth

      run russians, run.