Anti-migrant, anti-Islam FPÖ could emerge as most voted for party in Sunday’s parliamentary poll

After winning the EU elections in June, Austria’s far-right Freedom party (FPÖ) seized the moment, calling for the appointment of a EU “remigration” commissioner to be tasked with the forced return of migrants and citizens with a migration background to their countries of origin.

The muted reaction that followed was a sharp contrast to Germany, where months earlier, allegations that members of the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) had attended a meeting at which they discussed remigration dominated headlines and prompted tens of thousands to take to the streets in protest.

The difference was not lost on Farid Hafez, a senior researcher at Georgetown University. In Austria, “there was no outcry,” he said. “This is the normalisation of racism that the far right has achieved and that has become a very normal part of daily Austrian politics.”

  • @acosmichippo
    65 months ago

    honestly surprised that idea isn’t bigger among the right in the US.

    • @NocturnalMorning
      15 months ago

      It is, they have openly talked about revoking the birth right citizenship so they can deport people who don’t believe the same thing as them.

      • @acosmichippo
        15 months ago

        i don’t doubt that some have talked about it, i’m saying i’m surprised it isn’t even more commonplace.