“They’re all committed to it now, because Chuck has made them take a public position. Every Democratic challenger, I’m told, running for the Senate is taking the same position,” McConnell said. “I think they fully intend to do it if they can.”

Thanks for advocating for a good reason to have democratic control of the senate

  • @Myxomatosis
    383 months ago

    Hope so. I want to watch Mitch’s legacy get destroyed as much as possible.

    • @JusticeForPorygon
      273 months ago

      Don’t worry, he’ll go down in history as “The hypocrite who screwed over Barrack Obama and Merrick Garland, and set the country back decades in social justice.”

        • @JusticeForPorygon
          33 months ago

          Yes, but I like to think that in a few decades our vision will be a little clearer, and we’ll see this dirtdirtbag for who he really was.

          Idk, maybe that’s wishful thinking​.