I ask because I decided to try out PCSX2 for the first time in many years today and was blown away by things like the resolution scaling.

When I first started using emulators having save states and the ability to rewind in GBA blew me away.

I am wondering what features, added by emulators, you really appreciate or would make going back to the original console difficult? Are there any emulators you’d highly recommend to a friend who is into retro gaming but never really tried out emulation?

Are there some emulated consoles that don’t quite have the feature set of the native experience? For example I haven’t tried out Xenia but I know a bit about the history of 360 emulation and why it’s lagged behind (Modern Vintage Gamer I believe has a decent video on this I’d link if I wasn’t on mobile). Is it missing some key or quality of life features?

Thought this could be a fun Friday discussion for this community

  • @son_named_bort
    35 months ago

    MAME is a good emulator for arcade emulation, particularly old arcade machines. It’s a lot easier than having a bunch of arcade cabinets, that’s for sure. It also emulates a large amount of old consoles and computers, including obscure stuff like the Game.com.