• @[email protected]
    585 months ago

    I don’t understand the term conservative. What are they conserving? They should call themselves regressionists.

      • @Zachariah
        95 months ago

        that’s just the conservative politicians

        the conservative voters don’t realize the conservative politicians don’t give a fuck about them

      • @[email protected]
        85 months ago

        I think you mean for the rich that own them. Some of the most conservative people I know are struggling financially.

    • Diplomjodler
      75 months ago

      They’re conserving a past that never existed.

    • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
      75 months ago

      Doesn’t mean they want to conserve anything. It just means they are terrified of change.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      The actual word means one who conserves customs or structures in a given society, against those who wish to change them.

      However, it’s worth noting that republicans no longer match this definition on most issues, since they seek a radical restructuring of society. They are practically a revolutionary party at this point, albeit not the revolution leftists like to talk about.

    • @ChicoSuave
      35 months ago

      Conservatives are hypocritical and they don’t conserve anything. They burn as much as they can get away with and use slick marketing to convince folks they are the good guys. That’s why they are called conservatives - the marketing works.

    • @whotookkarl
      35 months ago

      Power, they wish to conserve any power they can for themselves and their in-group at all costs to maintain the order of using the government to privilege nepotistic wealth concentrated to as few individuals as possible at the top of a socioeconomic hierarchy.

      Historically though, before the Trump cult and the reactionary neoconservatives, conservatism was to preserve the authority of hierarchies under traditionalism and started around the time of the French and American revolutions.