• @Dasus
    5 hours ago

    You never named 10 books, while I provided a source for over 200.

    And what exactly does this prove? That you know what Google is? Are you pretending you weren’t asking for 10 books I had read on the subject? But, you just admitted you asked for it because you wanted to know what I’d read, so you obviously didn’t want a googled list of books, which you then provided yourself? Continuing with your asinine prescriptive bullshit, but not applying it to yourself? Seeing as how I never said “unrestricted access to any drug.”

    Oh look! More projection!

    Oh look, a kid pretending he understands psychology!

    and yet I have never made a claim otherwise.

    Pretending like you don’t understand what an implication is. Very mature, indeed.

    You should probably stop serial editing everyone of your comments.

    Oh no, I made a typo! Nothing screams “chronically online edgelord” (that’s how you spell “edgelord”) just like thinking that editing a comment is somehow bad.

    You try all the most edgelord things, like screaming “fallacy” to win a debate. Remember that? Remember when you tried winning an argument by calling it fallacious, like the edgelord you are, who has never picked up a book on philosophy, yet wants to pretend online he understands rhetoric.

    All in all you need to up your game.

    I haven’t laughed that hard in months