• nifty
    224 days ago

    As someone who believes ultimately everything is meaningless and so all that matters is self-actualization, why can someone not be transracial?

    Someone can self-actualize into a tree or cow, who cares? Should such people expect human rights, sure. If they maintain social contracts which other people agreed to in society, then why not?

    Transracial is interesting because when someone is born they don’t have chromosomal differentiation which can go in any direction to express a different race unless they inherited such genes. Same for other kin, we don’t have natural differential to become wolves, foxes etc.

    Gender development is different in this regard as it’s more than a self actualization or identity construct, but based on a persons gene expression. Everyone can be anything between male and female.

    Someone can claim trans race I think if they have such genes, but otherwise it’s a bit of make believe like otherkin that society will have to indulge. Whatever, who cares as long someone isn’t a danger to themselves or others. But mixed race people are already accepted, so I think trans race describes people who don’t have access to varied genetic expression.

    I think the danger is when someone claims to be trans race and plays up a racist stereotype

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
      24 days ago

      Exactly! It doesn’t harm anyone to respect how others wish to be identified. I don’t see it as being any different from someone wanting to be called “they/them” instead of “he” or “she.”

      We’ve normalized that, so why not extend the same courtesy to someone who feels a deep connection to another race? It’s like if your name is Sam, but you prefer to be called Tyler because it resonates more with you—fine by me.

      But what’s really surprising is the level of hostility I’ve seen since starting this community. A lot of the language being used is the same sort of degrading rhetoric people used to attack transgender individuals.

      And people calling me a troll and calling this a racist troll sub because I am talking about these issues. All because they don’t want to admit their own hatred for things that they don’t have experience with.

      Thanks for your post, friend!

      • nifty
        224 days ago

        I don’t think trans race is at all the same as transgender, which is what I meant by the part of variations in gene expression. Neither race or gender expression is a social construct, but how we interpret these things sure is

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
          -424 days ago

          I see transracial and transgender as having the same issues around identity and self-expression.

          If someone feels a strong connection to a different race, I don’t see why respecting that identity is any different from respecting someone’s chosen gender.

          The whole concept of transracial identity is relatively new, but it’s starting to get attention from more and more social studies researchers and psychologists as a legitimate area of exploration and understanding.