• ThePowerOfGeek
    52 hours ago

    You are changing the topic. Comment OP didn’t say you wrote the article. That was an assertion you created yourself in response to them. So you mischaracterized their comment. And that was my point: that you mischaracterized it.

    I made no explicit judgement about whether you are debating here in the comments in good faith or not. I was pointing out that your response was inaccurate.

    However your response/deflection here kind of supports their original point that you are arguing in bad faith in these comments.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
      2 hours ago

      The poster said, “Everyone look at how OP engages with people in these posts. They are clearly here to spread propaganda and engage in bad faith.”

      I’ve explained how I respoond.

      And since the commenter suggested I was posting “propaganda,” so I simply pointed out that I didn’t write the article. It was shared from a reputable news source, not produced by me. Unless he believes that the news organization itself produces propaganda, then his argument doesn’t hold up.

      Thank you!

      • ThePowerOfGeek
        52 hours ago

        OP’s original comment (emboldened relevant word by me):

        Everyone look at how OP engages with people in these posts. They are clearly here to spread propaganda and engage in bad faith.

        IN these posts, not WITH these posts. You engage INSIDE (in) posts via comments. He/she was talking about your comments.