• @Buffalox
    3 months ago

    That’s what mostly ended metal (aluminium) backs, there are zero problems with synthetics in that regard. So no need for glass.
    OnePlus have stupidly made the Nord 4 with aluminium back, despite they claim it was hell to get it to work.
    A completely worthless faux premium feature IMO. It ads cost and has no benefits. Except being slightly less bad than glass.

      • @Buffalox
        3 months ago

        I had the Motorola G9 power for 3 years, and used it without cover of any kind for all that time. And yes you can see some wear of 3 years of use on the back, it has also licked the asphalt a couple of times, but it still looks fine, and nothing ever broke.
        1 slip out of my pocket while sitting on the terace with my 4 times as expensive Xiaomi 13T pro, and the back was broken.
        So yes the Motorola synthetic back is definitely more durable than glass.
        To have the cool look and feel, they could add a thin replaceable back cover like we used to have on almost all phones a few years ago.

          • @Buffalox
            13 months ago

            You can still get a cover, and still have the advantages of better drop resistance and lower weight and being slimmer than a glass back with cover.
            I suppose the wear resistance is slightly better than your average cover. Mine looks OK IMO, but it doesn’t look new anymore. I usually put my phone on surfaces like tables or whatever convenient when I sit down, and the edges where the back curves are clearly a bit matte, and there are a few scratches from the incidents. But there is no discoloration or cracks or anything that looks broken or is an eyesore.