The whispering is all in her head and says she sucks

  • @RagingRobot
    5 hours ago

    how many opportunities have you missed

    Maybe they should be asking themselves the same questions if they are just ignoring most of the candidates because they are too lazy to get a pdf reader. I’m sure they aren’t getting the best people with that approach.

    The problem is they expect everyone to jump through hoops for them as if all the candidates are the same and they just need to pick one.

    • @[email protected]
      145 hours ago

      You don’t even need a dedicated PDF reader, many (most?) browsers have a PDF reader built-in. You need extra software to see word processor documents, you don’t to see a PDF.

      If a company is so incompetent that a PDF isn’t sufficient (or even preferred), that’s not a company I want to deal with anyway.