• Tlaloc_Temporal
    18 hours ago

    That wouldn’t significantly affect most galaxies though, would it? The rasin bread model might insinuate that the space in a galaxy isn’t expanding (which is wrong), but it is accurate in thst gslaxies themselves are not growing larger.

    • Rhaedas
      28 hours ago

      Correct, the differences make the analogy good enough to visualize the concept. It does however suffer from the same problem as the balloon one, in which someone can get the impression the expansion has a center. The wiki for the expansion of the universe goes through the various analogies and where they break down.

      I would suggest Dr Becky’s Youtube channel for a number of excellent videos on the expansion as well as the current problem of getting an accurate measurement of the correct Hubble expansion rate. The James Webb telescope was hoped to solve that dilemma, but we still aren’t sure.