• hendrik
    9 hours ago

    I don’t like these only men / only women questions. Why don’t you judge an answer by if it’s well reasoned? You shouldn’t judge by if it’s coming from a person with a certain set of private parts.

    I mean there are exceptions. »How does it feel to be a woman? I’m interested in the woman perspective.« is a valid question. But I think if asking for broad concepts like in this case, it should be avoided.

    Regarding the OF creator question… I’m not sure. I’d date first and see if it’s a nice person before marrying. And live together for maybe half a year to assess if that’s working out. Basically the same as with any other person with regular hobbies/jobs. If that’s alright, everyone loves each other, enough boxes are ticked… I’d marry anyone. Disregarding if she’s a plumber, OF creator or computer science professor.