The only countries most people would consider to be “white” are western European countries that are geopolitically stable. We have treaties with those countries and most (read all) are aligned with NATO.
Sure, you can argue that the United States is bombing the countries in this graphic to try to kill ethnic minorities, but that’s an argument in bad faith and you know it. Is the US trying to take advantage of arms sales and profiteer from resources in those countries? Yes. Are they also trying to come to the aid of foreign governments battling terror organizations and leaders with dictatorial ambitions? Also yes. Geopolitics and foreign policy don’t fall neatly into good/bad actions. Switzerland is famously neutral when it comes to warring nations, but they also allowed their banks to profit and enable the Nazis during WW2. Inaction can be just as damaging as action if not more so.
Excuse my faux pas. In the context of the argument, the ethnicity of the citizens living in those countries would be classified as minority ethnicities in America. Not that they are minorities in their own country. I would hope that anyone who’s first language is English could make that assumption. But you’re right.
That reads like it comes from a healthy mind.
Turn the TV, phone and computer off for a few days my guy. Pick up that hobby you’ve been putting off, as long as it’s not making pipe bombs.
Not one white country (except a Muslim one).
Bosnia is mostly white.
The only countries most people would consider to be “white” are western European countries that are geopolitically stable. We have treaties with those countries and most (read all) are aligned with NATO.
Sure, you can argue that the United States is bombing the countries in this graphic to try to kill ethnic minorities, but that’s an argument in bad faith and you know it. Is the US trying to take advantage of arms sales and profiteer from resources in those countries? Yes. Are they also trying to come to the aid of foreign governments battling terror organizations and leaders with dictatorial ambitions? Also yes. Geopolitics and foreign policy don’t fall neatly into good/bad actions. Switzerland is famously neutral when it comes to warring nations, but they also allowed their banks to profit and enable the Nazis during WW2. Inaction can be just as damaging as action if not more so.
Yugoslavia would be mostly white as well, or whatever countries it split into.
Also I was shocked when the Swiss ended their neutrality stance on the invasion of Ukraine
I was only focused on the countries listed in the graphic, but Yugoslavia being left out shows that this graphic is serving a bias.
And Muslim. I mentioned that.
No. They aren’t minorities. There are more of them than there are white people.
You’re showing your Eurocentricism.
Excuse my faux pas. In the context of the argument, the ethnicity of the citizens living in those countries would be classified as minority ethnicities in America. Not that they are minorities in their own country. I would hope that anyone who’s first language is English could make that assumption. But you’re right.
So the US hasn’t gone to war with Europe or Russia. Amazing insight
The US never dropped a nuclear bomb on Germany. They saved that for the Japs.
I can’t find anything about the U.S. bombing Peru. Does anyone have a source for that?