• @[email protected]
    6 hours ago

    Voting for Jill Stein is only “taking a vote away” from Harris if you assume that the voter would’ve voted for Harris without Stein in the race.

    That’s a big assumption and I don’t think there’s any good reason to make such an assumption.

    • stinerman [Ohio]
      53 hours ago

      Voting for a minor party in terms of the effect on the outcome is approximately equivalent to not voting.

    • @Anomaline
      14 hours ago

      In reality a not insignificant portion of them would probably vote for Trump to “own the libs” honestly.

    • @Dkarma
      26 hours ago

      Other than history showing more ds vote for greens than GOP???

      How dumb are you?

      • @[email protected]
        55 hours ago

        As the other option to them is them simply not voting at all; thus not getting their down ballot votes for amendments and other Dem races. Sure. Great idea.

        How dumb are you?

        If the DNC wants green/PSL votes so bad… why not… court said vote… at all? Most notable difference being stance on Israel/palestine, and some socialist policies. Instead the DNC is praising Israel and cracking down on immigration to court republicans. So… can’t really blame them for refusing to vote for what is against their views.

        • @[email protected]
          7 minutes ago

          Exactly what I’ve been saying. Democrats are clearly making a choice to die on and sacrifice our democracy to the hill of imagined centrist voters that make perfect, unquestioning and loyal followers for their party. If they lose for it then they alone are responsible for their loss and they should be the ones we direct our anger at for leaving voters on the table in what they themselves call a close and existentially important race.

          If they would rather lose elections than court progressive voters, if they would like to win without us as they so clearly do; because we are less convenient to their bottom line than the aforementioned loyal centrist; then that should be laid bare for the world to see. We shouldn’t let them pass their strategic failures off on voters for having morals and sticking to them.

      • @[email protected]
        15 hours ago

        Based on which party they’re registered as? That doesn’t mean much, it doesn’t mean they’d definitely vote for the D candidate if there wasn’t another option. You’re assuming that the D candidate otherwise has that vote locked down just by being a democrat.

        You can’t “steal” a vote because no one owns that vote except the individual voter and the individual voter is not being robbed when they decide to vote 3rd party.