On Steamcharts, Counterstrike has been the #1 game on Steam every single day I have EVER looked at this site, for at least 3 years now. This top 10 has basically been the same for years… I don’t get it. Do people just not play anything else?

Dota, Rust, PUBG, GTA V, Call of Duty, Apex… Admittedly, Satisfactory is new to the top 10. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege FINALLY fell out of the top 10, adn so did Destiny 2.

It just feels like it never changes, which is crazy… what happened?

  • @ampersandrew
    596 months ago

    Those games are played by a demographic that only plays that game, or close enough. They’d consider themselves a Dota player before they consider themselves a video game player in general. These games aren’t played exclusively by that type of person, but a large part of their audience is the type of player who just plays that game. I’m having trouble digging it up, but the person who created Steamspy a number of years ago, before privacy laws made public profiles opt-in and interfered with its ability to collect data, found that the majority of Steam accounts only had a single game in their libraries.

    • @[email protected]
      66 months ago

      That kinda explains the dissciation gamers and game makers (studio,publisher etc ) have with each other today. And the publishers continuus trying at live service games. I imagine similar thing is happening with consoles. I personaly knew it was a thing with FIFA but i never knew it was so widespread ( fifa and sports game are kinda special or at least i thought they were ). Maybe those pepole bought one game a year additionaly sometimes if it was aired often enough as ad on tv.

      That actually explains so much shit we see today , like online subcsriptions on PlayStation and xbox. If the majority ( or large enough minority ) will play one game only making them pay for online is a goddam goldmine. F* i would probably do it if was ceo of PlayStation and actually knew the stats ( and Obviusly if they were favorable ).

      • @ampersandrew
        55 months ago

        20 years ago, we paid for online because it was better than what you got for free on PC, PlayStation, and Nintendo. Now an online subscription is probably one of several reasons that people are moving to PC.

    • @gaylord_fartmaster
      35 months ago

      I’m having trouble digging it up, but the person who created Steamspy a number of years ago, before privacy laws made public profiles opt-in and interfered with its ability to collect data, found that the majority of Steam accounts only had a single game in their libraries.

      A lot of those are going to be alts people made to evade game/server bans or smurf.

      I may or may not have made 10 accounts that only had Garry’s Mod on them circa 2010.

      • @ampersandrew
        15 months ago

        That may be true, but you can also see, for instance, that there are a ton of Chinese users who only play Dota 2 or only play PUBG. You’ll see the percentage of Simplified Chinese users ebb and flow with a similar cadence to just those two games.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      I’d consider accounts with only a single game most likely to be bot or cheater accounts. I wonder what the percentage would be.