• @frostmore
    5 months ago

    so when hamas commits acts of terror,state sponsorship from palestine and her people or they get a pass because,palestine?

    • acargitz
      75 months ago

      Hamas is the government of Gaza. So yes, when they order the killing of some random civilians in Tel Aviv’s mass transit, that’s literally state terrorism, with the only qualifier that Gaza is a quasi-state, so I guess “quasi-state sponsored terrorism”? But yes, that’s it. The quasi-state of Gaza is condemnable for its support of terrorism. The state of Israel is condemnable for its support of terrorism.

      I don’t get why you keep repeating on the “and the people” bit. I clearly said above that condemning Israeli state terrorism is not a condemnation of every Israeli. Similarly, condemning Hamas terrorism is not a condemnation of every Gazan.

      So there you have my position clear as day. What’s yours? Do you condemn Israel for its systematic sponsorship of terrorism?

      • @frostmore
        -75 months ago

        do you condemn palestine for its systematic sponsorship of terrorism?? no need for theatrics or mincing words like quasi this or quasi that.

        if you are condeming state sponsorships of terrorism,be consistent and make your stance clear, don’t mince words.

        and yes,state sponsorships of terrorism is to be condemned both on israel and palestine. do not portray any one party as innocent or victim,none of them are. jewish settlers occupying land illegally in west bank should be removed and laws set in place to prevent such illegal settlements.

        if you want to put the spotlight on israel for their terrorism,do not forget palestine,iran and their supporters,each one of them are equally deserving of it.

        now,i’ll state is clearly for you,i condemn israel state sponsorship of terror,DO YOU CONDEMN PALESTINE OF STATE SPONSORED TERRORISM? and try not to mince your words this time.

        • acargitz
          5 months ago

          If you recognize Palestine as a sovereign state and therefore the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza as illegal, sure I’ll condemn Palestinian sponsorship of terrorism. If not, there is nothing to condemn right? There can’t be state sponsored terrorism by an entity that is not a state. Logic.

          And for the record, I’m unequivocally condemning Iran and Hezbollah and the Houthis for their terrorism.

          Still waiting on an answer to my question, buddy. Israeli policy of sponsorship of terror. Do you condemn Israel for it.

          • @frostmore
            -55 months ago

            bad reading comprehension.

            i already stated clearly i condem israel’s state sponsored terrorism. not only that,i stated clearly jewish settlers who are illegally occupying the west bank should be removed and laws be put in place to remove them and prevent it from happening again.

            there is no ifs regarding palestine as a state,it is recognized by the UN. hamas is an extension of that state.

            now,be clear and stop putting caveats and conditions. DO YOU CONDEM PALESTINE OF STATE SPONSORED TERRORISM???

            • acargitz
              5 months ago

              Sure buddy. Thanks for the clarification.

              Edit: only Palestine is not a state. There is the PA and there might be something to actually condemn about a “martyrs fund” but that’s about it. And Hamas is obviously not controlled in any way by the PA. On the other hand, Israel is a regional superpower with a victim compelx and a genocidal army. In my list of dangerous maniacs, the Israeli state, its army and intelligence services are way way higher than the …PA. But regardless. Good to hear a Zionist condemn Israel for state sponsored terror. Have a nice evening.

              • @frostmore
                5 months ago

                lol, can’t condemn palestine state terrorism and putting caveats in place to avoid condemnation while asking others to condemn israel.

                fucking hypocrisy its finest. you,like many other terrorist apologists, just simply cannot keep your stance consistent and wriggle your way out of making your stance clear while spreading hate and islamic propaganda. good to see i have proven you to be one.

                palestine is a state,recognised by at least 100 over UN members. their state sponsored terrorism,be it through hamas or plo or pla is still state sponsored terrorism. if people like you want to liken israel as a terrorist state,then palestine is one as well.

                next time,be clear you are a terrorist apologist,spreading israel hate and islamic propaganda while excusing hamas/palestine terrorists of their actions and promoting genocide.

                  • @frostmore
                    -35 months ago

                    nah, can’t really be unhinged when i deal with liars and hypocrites much less terrorist sympathisers. 😀

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      So I’m guessing you would’ve been against the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising? Zionists do tend to have a lot in common with Nazis so I shouldn’t be too surprised…

      • @frostmore
        5 months ago

        you shouldn’t be surprised,hamas terrorists and their supporters have alot in common with the nazis as well.

        i guess both sides learned well from the nazis.