• Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
    5 months ago

    Well, I’m not sure. Why don’t we REALLY clear things up, and you tell me what you think is going on here?

    • geekwithsoul
      35 months ago

      Hey genius, I already did. I even provided visuals. Not sure what else I could do. You have pictures, you have a Wikipedia page. You either have the ability to parse a secondary school level explanation or you don’t. If you don’t, that’s on you.

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
        -105 months ago

        But I don’t see how any of that has anything to do with this article or this thread. So I still don’t know what you are trying to say. You can assume my agenda and my lack of intelligence all day.

        Still doesn’t change the fact that I’m going to keep posting. Thanks, friend! :)

        • geekwithsoul
          35 months ago

          I don’t need to assume anything. You offer all the proof necessary with your pattern of behavior. Thanks, bud! Good luck with those resources I provided!

          • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
            5 months ago

            If I’m really such a troll, wouldn’t the best strategy be to stop engaging altogether? Every response just boosts the view count and engagement on my posts. If attention is supposedly what I crave, then ignoring me would be the quickest way to make me “go away,” right?

            Constant replies are actually feeding what you claim to hate, so maybe letting it fade into obscurity would be the logical move—if that’s really what you want.

            And if my trolling is so obvious, then you don’t have to worry about pointing it out, because as many have said, “every sees through” me. Right?

            I mean, the only problem with that scenario is that I’m not a troll. And I have posted articles that are critical of Trump, Stein, and Harris, as well as articles praising each of them.

            So the conflicting perspectives of stuff I post doesn’t really fit you narrative, but meh, just some room for thought I guess.

            • geekwithsoul
              25 months ago

              but meh, just some room for thought I guess

              It’s “food for thought” - are you sure you’re a native English speaker? You seem to have big problems with both idiom and reading comprehension.

              • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
                -105 months ago

                Meh, stubby fingers, tiny phone screen. But I’ll keep as is, cuz I like the idea of room for thought.

                What language do you think I’m native in, if not English? Are you trying to imply something?

                Come on, friend, you can say it out loud. Just say it…

                • geekwithsoul
                  75 months ago

                  Hmm, not sure how stubby fingers get “food” to “room” - especially as we know from your frequent misspellings and constant editing of your previous posts, you obviously disabled auto-correct.

                  And I didn’t imply anything, just asked a question as you seem to be constantly confused by common American English phrases - especially so for someone who is a native English speaker, and generally poor reading comprehension. “I don’t know what that means” is probably one of your five most common replies in comments.

            • Wren
              15 months ago

              deleted by creator