Today’s game is Alan Wake. I wasted no time getting back too it and went through the first half of episode 4. I would have done the second half but the game crashed sadly. I’m hoping to complete it soon, though with the Silent Hill 2 remake on the horizon i’m considering swapping my plans for Alan Wake 2 with that because i’ve been excited for SH2’s remake for a while and just remembered it’s coming out here in a few days, i’m not 100% sure on if i’ll do that though.

I originally accidentally posted this screenshot to the wrong gaming community, but The screenshot is of the Lodge at the start.

I think this game does a really good job of leveraging it’s landscapes, Particularly at this part. The whole game does an amazing job of capturing it’s landscape, especially for a game of it’s age where i feel like the landscape can sometimes show it’s age.

Episode 4 is probably one of my favorites because i feel like it has a good balance of action moments and story pacing moments. Not to mention i love the lodge section. The escape from the lodge itself is great and it has a lot of cool lore elements, and then the hedge maze and garden outside i love too. It is probably one of the most memorable parts too me. Breaking Episode 4 into two parts may have been a blessing though, as it will let me talk about my other favorite part of Episode 4 in more detail tomorrow without drawing out the post

  • @CitizenKong
    5 months ago

    I never played Alan Wake through to the end until recently when I got the second one.

    Then I played through the first one, followed by Control including the DLCs and then Alan Wake 2. I can’t recommend this enough, it’s an incredible ride.

    • @whats_all_this_then
      45 months ago

      I went Control -> Control: Foundation DLC -> Alan Wake and now I’m a thurd of the way through Control AWE DLC. Can confirm, what a ride.

      Plus both games have amazing soundtracks. Got multiple songs from both on my regular rotation.

      • Coelacanth
        55 months ago

        The ride definitely continues in Alan Wake 2, so you have lots to look forward to! Remedy are such a beacon of hope in today’s AAA landscape.

        • @whats_all_this_then
          5 months ago

          Right?! I can’t run it at the moment so I’ll need to upgrade first, but damn literally every frame I’ve see of Alan Wake 2 is just peak Remedy goodness. The not being able to run it part actually kinda works out for me though because I wanna buy it once it hits Steam (although they seem to be taking their sweet ass time, it’s like they hate money or something).

          Remedy’s one of the last handfull of studios still making actually good AAA games that aren’t compromised for monetization’s sake, or to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

          • Coelacanth
            35 months ago

            Like the other poster said, Epic financed and published AW2 and paid good money for exclusivity. I doubt you’ll see it on Steam anytime soon. The only way to play it without Epic Games Launcher and all that is on console.

            The game is worth it though. One of my most memorable gaming experiences over the past few years. And if you’re planning on upgrading I’ll tell you it looks absolutely gorgeous. One of the few games where ray tracing actually has a noticeable impact, too, in my opinion.

            • @CitizenKong
              25 months ago

              I don’t doubt that it looks amazing on a good PC, but it’s also one of the best looking games on the PS5 and runs very well.

            • @whats_all_this_then
              13 months ago

              1 month ago, I know, sorry. I ended up upgrading and AW2 was like 70% of the reason. Can’t do RT and still hit 60 but even without it, what an incredible looking game, and that’s only the beginning. I don’t think I’ve ever played anything like this. It’s your basic (albeit bery solid) survival horror sure but the tone is PITCH FUCKING PERFECT and the story’s interesting in a way very few are. I’m only a few chapters in but it feels like playing through a novel more than a game.

              I’m on the non-epic PC version right now (shhh) but I’m 100% buying it once I get the disposable income because even though I hate Epic, god damn Remedy deserves to make money off this.

              • Coelacanth
                23 months ago

                I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! It’s a damn shame BG3 took the world by storm last year, as I felt AW2 truly deserved more awards, including Game of the Year. BG3 is good and all but at the end of the day it’s just a really well made RPG. AW2 is doing something bold and interesting with the video game medium in a way that deserves to be celebrated. It topped Jacob Geller’s yearly list for a reason, and I think he put it the best in his video:

                “Is Alan Wake 2 the best game I’ve played this year? No. But it’s the most excited I’ve been to be playing a video game this year.”

                Also it should have won the Game award for best soundtrack and I’ll hear no arguments.

                • @whats_all_this_then
                  3 months ago

                  It’s a damn shame it was overshadowed by BG3. Feels like an lesser version of the Titanfall 2 situation. Bought it on discount the other day because I want them to make money from it.

                  With that said, it’s always insane to me how 99% of the time, paying for a game is a worse experience than pirating it. I bought a single player game that I now cannot play because epic’s servers are down and it’s not letting me use offline mode because I tried to login when it prompted. Can’t even run the exe because the launcher force closes the game. Why tf is this offline game being treated like an always online game?! At least Steam lets you login offline if it knows your credentials from before. I’m actually considering refunding because I can’t guarantee I’ll be online the next time it logs me out.


                  • Coelacanth
                    23 months ago

                    Epic is just terrible. I wanted to bypass the launcher by using Heroic instead, but it wouldn’t recognize me having the Deluxe edition without actually installing the game through Epic and being logged in through their launcher. Garbage.

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            AW2 is published by Epic, so I wouldn’t hold your breath about it coming to Steam. When you’re about to run it though, I highly recommend it. It’s the only game I’ve bought on EGS, and I’d do it again.

            Thank goodness Remedy will be self-publishing going forwards. Control 2 can’t come soon enough.

      • @CitizenKong
        35 months ago

        Yep, they also made me want to rewatch X-Files and Twin Peaks, two obvious inspirations (plus Stephen King particularly The Dark Tower, another kind of house that is the linchpin of universes).

        I can also recommend The Lost Room mystery series from 2006. It’s use of magical, but mundane objects and a timeless hotel room also seems to have been a direct inspiration.

        • @whats_all_this_then
          25 months ago

          Damn, I knew about X-Files and Twin Peaks, but I had no idea about the others. It’s honestly a rabbit hole I’d love to go down if I ever get the time. Adulting sucks :(

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      15 months ago

      The first Alan Wake is one of my favorite games of all time. I play through it annually. Control I keep meaning to go back to and play