WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Monday let stand a decision barring emergency abortions that violate the law in Texas, which has one of the country’s strictest abortion bans.

Without detailing their reasoning, the justices kept in place a lower court order that said hospitals cannot be required to provide pregnancy terminations that would violate Texas law.

The Biden administration had asked the justices to throw out the lower court order, arguing that hospitals have to perform abortions in emergency situations under federal law. The administration pointed to the Supreme Court’s action in a similar case from Idaho earlier this year in which the justices narrowly allowed emergency abortions to resume while a lawsuit continues.

The administration also cited a Texas Supreme Court ruling that said doctors do not have to wait until a woman’s life is in immediate danger to provide an abortion legally. The administration said it brings Texas in line with federal law and means the lower court ruling is not necessary.

  • @Nurse_Robot
    6421 hours ago

    I need more coffee, it took me a moment to figure out what that headline actually meant.

    They’re allowing (lets stand) not allowing (barring) something that goes against (violate) the thing that’s not allowed (ban)

    • @abrake
      1617 hours ago

      Yeah, the title could have easily just been: “Supreme Court upholds ban on emergency abortions in Texas” and it would be way clearer

      • @Nurse_Robot
        215 hours ago

        I see a writing career in your future

    • @Ghostie21
      4721 hours ago

      Basically the supreme Court is allowing Texas to ban abortions. This ruling barrs, prevents, an exception to that ban.

      • @Nurse_Robot
        515 hours ago

        Like I said, I understand the headline. My point is it’s poorly worded.

    • Optional
      1620 hours ago

      Me too - that was poorly worded.