WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Monday let stand a decision barring emergency abortions that violate the law in Texas, which has one of the country’s strictest abortion bans.

Without detailing their reasoning, the justices kept in place a lower court order that said hospitals cannot be required to provide pregnancy terminations that would violate Texas law.

The Biden administration had asked the justices to throw out the lower court order, arguing that hospitals have to perform abortions in emergency situations under federal law. The administration pointed to the Supreme Court’s action in a similar case from Idaho earlier this year in which the justices narrowly allowed emergency abortions to resume while a lawsuit continues.

The administration also cited a Texas Supreme Court ruling that said doctors do not have to wait until a woman’s life is in immediate danger to provide an abortion legally. The administration said it brings Texas in line with federal law and means the lower court ruling is not necessary.

  • Flying Squid
    4019 hours ago


    That’s what it is. Simple barbarism.

  • themeatbridge
    9621 hours ago

    Without detailing their reasoning

    As if we don’t already know.

    • Flying Squid
      2219 hours ago

      I call them the American Mullahs. We all have to follow their pronouncements and there’s fuck all we can do to get rid of them until they die.

      • @[email protected]
        1419 hours ago

        There’s a lot we can do about it, actually. We can expand the court, we can get guillotines, we can disband their institution.

        • @[email protected]
          317 hours ago

          There is also a legal construct to impeach them. However, the other branches of the government would have to be capable of doing anything.

        • Flying Squid
          218 hours ago

          And when are you planning to lead this revolution? Where and when does the mob gather?

          • @[email protected]
            617 hours ago

            Stochastic terrorism will probably eventually lead to one of these justices being murdered. I won’t be happy about further destabilization, but these conservatives are doing a lot of harm. I won’t mourn their passing, even if it’s explosive.

          • @[email protected]
            418 hours ago

            For that you’d need popular opinion on your side. Currently, it’s not. So, I think we should attempt to persuade as many people as possible to vote to dismantle the Christian hegemony.

  • @bashbeerbash
    311 hours ago

    The good thing about climate change is it gives no fucks about their feelings, and their little Christian Caliphate won’t survive long.

  • @Nurse_Robot
    6421 hours ago

    I need more coffee, it took me a moment to figure out what that headline actually meant.

    They’re allowing (lets stand) not allowing (barring) something that goes against (violate) the thing that’s not allowed (ban)

    • @abrake
      1617 hours ago

      Yeah, the title could have easily just been: “Supreme Court upholds ban on emergency abortions in Texas” and it would be way clearer

      • @Nurse_Robot
        215 hours ago

        I see a writing career in your future

    • @Ghostie21
      4721 hours ago

      Basically the supreme Court is allowing Texas to ban abortions. This ruling barrs, prevents, an exception to that ban.

      • @Nurse_Robot
        515 hours ago

        Like I said, I understand the headline. My point is it’s poorly worded.

    • Optional
      1620 hours ago

      Me too - that was poorly worded.

  • Atelopus-zeteki
    4721 hours ago

    What happened to SCOTUS not stirring things up less than a month before the election? I’m actually glad they did this, as it will motivate a lot of people to vote DEM.

      • @[email protected]
        915 hours ago

        It’s more than little bit her fault. She should have stepped down when she had the chance. She was WAY too old to be on that court. She died at EIGHTY SEVEN years old.

        • @[email protected]
          115 hours ago

          Lawyer and author Linda Hirshman believed that, in the lead-up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Ginsburg was waiting for candidate Hillary Clinton to beat candidate Donald Trump before retiring, because Clinton would nominate a more liberal successor for her than Obama would, or so that her successor could be nominated by the first female president. After Trump’s victory in 2016 and the election of a Republican Senate, she would have had to wait until at least 2021 for a Democrat to be president, but died in office in September 2020 at age 87. Source

          Seems she may have meant to retire but waited too long to do so.

      • Atelopus-zeteki
        4221 hours ago

        She was a great justice, and not retiring was the greatest mistake of her career. Anyone doing Zombie RBG for Hallowe’en?

  • @NatakuNox
    2621 hours ago

    So we need to create a new underground rail road for women. Let’s get women and families out of these areas. Red states don’t deserve them. Kindness always wins

    • @AquaTofana
      1618 hours ago

      Taking a moment to shout out Elevated Access. Its a charity full of private pilots and support staff who started gathering in response after RvW was repealed, in an effort to provide women with free flights from red states to blue states. I donated a hefty amount (for me) after we sold our house.

      Now theyve expanded their services to trans people seeking care as well!

      Love them, sad that they have to exist, but organizations like them give me hope for the future. It reminds me that no matter how bad things get, people will keep fighting.


      • @[email protected]
        15 hours ago

        I’d do it still. Fuck 'em.

        Edit: Just to be clear, there is a very strong argument for those laws being illegal. Nothing says a pregnant woman can’t visit another state, so why the fuck would leaving the state mean she can’t get an abortion when the state she’s visiting says it’s 100% legal?

        This whole stupid ploy by the GOP is utter bullshit. Women are not things, yet under these laws they are being commoditized and dehumanized into objects meant to be controlled by local laws, and the shortsighted people enforcing those laws.

        I gatta hand it to Putin… He is doing a fanatic job dividing this once strong and united county. His boy Trump really paid off.

      • @TallonMetroid
        1919 hours ago

        Well, that’s why this would be an underground railroad. If it was legal there wouldn’t be any need to hide it.

      • @NatakuNox
        1019 hours ago

        Multiple normal states have already passed laws that protect women from any persecution for laws restricting their bodily freedoms. Mine included. And Ya they can try to take the women back but theres no way to tell why a woman left. It’s way easier to move a willing person over someone who is surrounded by a supportive community. I’d imagine this organization would help LGBTQ+ people escape as well.

    • @[email protected]
      721 hours ago

      I assume that’s part of the conservative goal due to how the senate works. They’re gerrymandering the shit out of house seats and hoping for a liberal flight so they can control government with their ever shrinking minority.

      • @AliasVortex
        820 hours ago

        Red states wondering where all the entwives went…

      • @NatakuNox
        319 hours ago

        Liberal flight is the only way they’ll learn. Even more so when they flee to neighboring rational states. Additionally with women regardless of location lean left. Outside of having check points in and out of red states, and know all women’s current pregnancy status. Enough women will leave to the point their male to female ratio is too out of balance and their populations years down the road.

        • @[email protected]
          114 hours ago

          The problem is it turns the swing states into guaranteed wins in the short term, and the census isn’t for another 6 years to balance house seats to match the populations.

          • @NatakuNox
            112 hours ago

            I didn’t say leave swing states… And even so, pregnancy is 9 month not six years. No single individual should have to carry that burden.

  • @snekerpimp
    1721 hours ago

    So, now they can just make arbitrary decisions without explaining themselves? So much for our democracy.

    • @[email protected]
      2321 hours ago

      They always could. And they’re not elected, so it’s nothing to do with democracy.

      But they only issue opinions, they’ve never tried to enforce anything. Andrew Jackson famously ignored their decision in 1832, and nothing happened.

      It’s really just another aspect of our society being built on trust and respect. And that trust and respect has been exploited and eroded in the past few decades.

      Remember, government only exists by the consent of the governed.

      • Billiam
        1019 hours ago

        Andrew Jackson famously ignored their decision in 1832, and nothing happened.

        Even genocidal asshole racist clocks are right twice a day, or something.

    • @[email protected]
      1920 hours ago

      I hate this phrasing. It’s not stacking the court. It’s fixing perceived political bias in the court back to neutral where it belongs.

      • Matt
        820 hours ago

        Or just fix the problem at its source, and disallow judges from holding a political party.

        • @TallonMetroid
          1319 hours ago

          The entire reason that they’re appointed positions in the first place was to prevent just that. The actual problem is that these are lifetime appointments with no way to remove them. What we really need is some damn term limits.

      • @[email protected]
        18 hours ago

        Exactly. Like, who do you think has been in charge? It’s never going to happen because they want to campaign on it forever.