• Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
    5 months ago

    Maybe sit this one out, champ, and stop trying to persuade others to follow your anti-democratic example.

    Me saying who I am voting for, isn’t “trying to persuade others.”

    I have always said, and will continue to say, people should vote for who they want to. Yes, I encourage everyone to vote for and vote for who they want to, and not allow themselves to be bullied into making a decision they are not comfortable with.

    So nah, not sitting this one out. Thank you!

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      You constantly making posts and comments pushing for, again, a clear Russian plant whose entire purpose is to prop up a candidate who has already committed treason twice and who has openly admitted he will end democracy is not benign. Your contributions have, so far, not contributed to healthy discourse, but have been pretty obviously made with the intention to promote division.

      If that’s who you are, just own it. If it’s not, take a step back and examine your motives.

      Here are some sources for you:

      Russians launched pro-Jill Stein social media blitz to help Trump win election, reports say

      FPTP Voting

      And – this one is crucial – how to productively redirect your efforts, if you’re in fact sincere: FairVote Action, an actual grass-roots org working to get rid of the FPTP system to make democracy actually fair.

      If you take nothing else from my comments, at least look at that last link. Your energy would be far better served there than what you’re doing now. Be the change you want to see.

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
        5 months ago

        I’m not voting for Jill Stein, though.

        And I’m not pushing her as a candidate, and I’m definitely not telling people who to vote for. I trust the American public to make their own decisions based on what they believe, for whatever reasons matter to them.

        I don’t write the articles; I just post links to them. It’s up to each person to decide if they want to click and read or ignore it entirely.

        Be the change you want to see.

        Oh I am being the change i wanna see. I want to see diversity of political thought without bullying. Thank you!

          • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
            5 months ago

            Be the change you want to see.

            Oh I am being the change I wanna see. I want to see diversity of political thought without bullying.

            What county do I live in? I’m here in the US. Where do you think I am?! lol

            Friend, I’ve been voting since before you were born. I’ve been voting since 1988.

            • @[email protected]
              75 months ago

              lol. Friend, I’m older than you. Stop assuming things about people.

              You said you’re not voting. Why are you relentlessly pushing Stein? Be honest.

              • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
                -195 months ago

                Oh well if you ARE older than me, then my apologies. Because it’s usually people 30 years younger yelling at me. But you are right, I made that assumption.

                And I didn’t say I’m not voting, I said I’m not voting for Stein. I’ve always been honest.

                • @[email protected]
                  75 months ago

                  So you’re not voting for Harris, or trump, or Stein – why are your posts almost exclusively pro-Stein?

                  Did you even look at my links? How can you be my age and so completely blind to the political landscape?

                  Which issues are you stuck on, to the point you’re this coy and uninformed enough to be advocating for a spoiler in favour of a documented autocrat? I’m seriously at a loss.

                  • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
                    5 months ago

                    I post articles, I don’t write them. What makes you think that I have to agree 100 percent with every article I post? That’s not a rule, nor is it a goal of this political news community.

                    I’ve posted articles that are critical of Trump, Stein, and Harris, as well as articles praising each of them.

                    I’m actually voting Socialist Workers Party. I believe in choices, and I support people voting for whoever they want. That is their right. As it’s my right. Thank you!