It would be far more consistent with the pronunciation of other similar words.

  • @[email protected]
    2 days ago

    I’m more partial to an entirely new alphabet,

    F/f - For

    U/u - Oopse

    U̇/u̇ - Up

    Uṙ/uṙ - Nurse

    Uı/uı - I

    UE/ᵫ - Book

    Þ/þ - Thanks

    Ð/ð - The

    O/o - Oh

    Ȯ/ȯ - On

    Ou/ou - Out

    Ouṙ/ouṙ - our

    Oṙ/oṙ - Or

    Oı/oı - Oil

    Œ/œ - “Oh” isolate

    Œṙ/œṙ - “oer the ramparts we watched”

    Œı/œı - owing vs boing

    Ṙ/ṙ - Earth

    R/r - Read

    K/k - Court

    C/c - She

    Q/q - Quick

    G/g - Go

    Gq/gq - Gwen

    Gx/gx - Ghurfa

    V/v - Of

    W/w - With

    H/h - He

    X/x - loch

    N/n - Negation

    Ny/ny - ñapa

    I/ı - Eat

    Iṙ/ıṙ - Ear

    Y/y - You

    İ/i- In

    P/p - Park

    S/ſ - So

    Z/z - Is

    T/t - To

    Tc/tc - Check

    B/b - Be

    E/e - Elder

    Ė/ė - A

    Eı/eı - Acre

    Eıṙ/eıṙ - Air

    M/m - Me

    L/l - Like

    Ŋ/ŋ - Ring

    D/d - Do

    Dj/dj - Jacket

    A/a - All

    Au/au - Awe

    Aṙ/aṙ - Are

    Aı/aı - Sky

    Aıṙ/aıṙ - Ire

    Æ/æ - And

    J/j - Genre

    Eklızıæstiku̇s, 34:18-21

    Humevṙ givz æz tceıritı, gᵫdz ðeı hæv teıkin buı foṙs oṙ buı disȯnistı, ðeıṙ doneıcėnz aṙ ȯbsın; ðeıṙ gifts aṙ ė ceımfėl mȯkṙı v djenṙȯsitı.
    Benevolens ditests tceıritı givin buı blu̇dı hændz; no ėmount n'oṙ vælyu given buı su̇tc sṙvz t ėpız ð huıest.
    Humevṙ teıks wėt litėl filz ð stoṙz v ð disfoṙtcund, ðei d ð seım æz wu̇n hu mṙdṙz ð tcuıld bifoṙ ðeıṙ peırent's uız.
    Đ fᵫd v ð disfoṙtcund z ðeıṙ luıfblu̇d, ænd humevṙ difrȯdz ðem v it, ðeıṙ hændz aŗ steınd red; al ð seim æz eni mṙdṙṙ oṙ brut v difrint mınz.

    Levitiku̇ſ, 19:33-34

    Wen ė forinṙ livz ėmėŋgſt Y, i yoṙ kėntcrı, dn miſtcrıt ðem.  Ðiſ pṙsėn livıŋ ėmėŋgſt Y mu̇ſt b tcrıtėd æz yoṙ on. Lu̇v æ d u̇ntu yoṙ neıbṙ æz Y wᵫd yoṙſelf.

    R fully becomes a semi vowel same as U to W or I to Y, several grammar words get Shavian style abbreviations for brevity, and where french has accents, spanish has the ñ, and german has umlauts, the expanded english vowels have single dots the way lower case i already does.

    • @Donebrach
      51 day ago

      This is awful and you need to stop right now.

      • @[email protected]
        21 day ago

        IPA is less readable, also this is an orthographic alphabet, the true letter count is much smaller, and it actually gets even smaller if you use the “sloppy” version, which is basically just grabbing an Alphabet language Gboard for þ ð ŋ and ſ, using ue oe and ae as needed, and using u o i e a as you would their dotted (or undotted in i’s case) counterparts and just hoping context makes clear what the literal text doesn’t necessarily.

        • Fonzie!
          122 hours ago

          You designed this for GBoard?

          That explains it, I guess…

          • @[email protected]
            121 hours ago

            Would you believe me if I told you that the dot letters were actually what made up the majority of what isn’t in the keyboard normally?

    • @InverseParallax
      52 days ago

      Went through the whole thing expecting to speak German, was very disappointed.