
I have been owning an APC Back-UPS BX1600MI for a little under two years and have been encountering issues with it recently: the battery failed in August, I had to RMA and the replacement one is stuck on battery power while plugged to the mains since last night.

From what I gathered online, this model is plagued with issues, so I’m looking for another one.

My requirements are:

  • Purchasable in the EU
  • Has a variant with FR or DE plugs
  • Can be monitored with NUT over USB or Ethernet
  • At least 900VA capacity but if I can get the same capacity as currently (1600VA) for about 200€ I would

Thanks a lot!

  • @486
    125 hours ago

    At least 900VA capacity

    Just being pedantic here, but VA is a power rating, not a capacity rating. A UPS has both a power rating that tells you how much power it can deliver at any given moment and a capacity that tells you for how long it can do so.