• @[email protected]
    29 hours ago

    I think you’d have a good point if winning was all that mattered in an American election.

    Winning isn’t all that votes decide.

    Poll turnout is used to decide ballot access, funding, event presence and of course for the two major parties policy triangulation.

    That’s not even touching the amount of public awareness that will be built by a third party making a strong showing.

    • @chiliedogg
      4 hours ago

      The most famous Democratic Socialist who does the most for the movement and achieves the most for the country is Bernie Sanders.

      Note that he runs on the Democratic ticket in order to stay relevant even though he and the party aren’t always in alignment. And when he didn’t get nominated in 2020 he threw his support behind Biden even though he could have easily run third-party. He knew that running third-party would have guaranteed a Trump victory.

      Ralph Nader ran for the Green party and spoiled the vote when Al Gore - the most famous environmentalist in Washington -was running and handed the election to Bush.

      The GOP doesn’t actually want Trump, but they know 100% that he’d run third party without the nomination and kill the GOP, which is why they back him.

      The spoiler effect is real and, until we have a better system, running or voting third-party is political malfeasance.

      • @[email protected]
        13 hours ago

        You’re mistaken about bush v gore. The Supreme Court gave us bush because gore didn’t want to do a whole state recount (which is what would have been necessary to show that Florida went for him, which it did. the handful of counties they settled on wasn’t enough to change the results by themselves).

        Why are you talking about sanders? He’s not running and if he were I wouldn’t vote for him.

        • @chiliedogg
          14 minutes ago

          Bush defeated Gore in Florida in the final count by 537 votes.

          Nader received over 97,000 votes. Had he not been in the race, his supporters would have overwhelmingly preferred Gore to Bush. Yeah, some of them would have chosen not to vote. But even if 99%of them had stayed home, that remaining 1% would have been enough to win Gore the state in a manner that would have kept it from ever going to the Supreme Court.

          The Bush administration was a horror show for the US and the world. The economic, diplomatic, environmental, and human cost of it is unimaginable, and people like you are why it happened.