I personally will never not trust my gut feeling.

  • @forgotaboutlaye
    64 hours ago

    I was once like that. I thought running was such a boring hobby. I stuck to it though, and it quickly became a hobby for me that I miss when I don’t or can’t do it.

    I do 20-35km per week, including a half marathon (organized or self induced) once per month. Previous to last year, I didn’t exercise or go to the gym.

    • lime!
      63 hours ago

      i did a training program years ago to go from zero to running 5km without slowdown.

      i stuck to it over like eight months, it hurt all the way, and when i had proved to myself that i could do it i quit because it just got worse and worse

      • @[email protected]
        129 minutes ago

        Kinda sounds like you were running way too hard.

        Many people assume you need to run your ass off every time you go. Its just not true.

        My shortest runs are quick, but I’m just cruisin’ for any long runs; slow enough to comfortably talk with someone and run for a few hours without stopping.

        If you’re running and you hate it you need to slow way down.