• @[email protected]
    35 months ago

    Ya know part of me can only think that this is money that could’ve been given to private conscriptovitch but is instead being used to influence US elections. I cant tell if thats money well spent by Russia or if theyre just fucking over their own troops.

    • jackeryjoo
      25 months ago

      It’s unfortunately money well spent.

      If they spend $1billion in the war against Ukraine to buy a few missiles or tanks, vs spending the same during a key election cycle period to reduce the chance that we’ll have a concerted congress that can deliver foreign aid to Ukraine in the tens/hundreds of billions long term, I’d say it’s worth the cash.

      I mean, it’s already working. We’ve got dozens and dozens of politicians at the highest level, including Trump himself, completely and thoroughly compromised as Russian assets and ready to hand America and the rest of the world over on a platter to Putin, because they believe his lies.