
I have been owning an APC Back-UPS BX1600MI for a little under two years and have been encountering issues with it recently: the battery failed in August, I had to RMA and the replacement one is stuck on battery power while plugged to the mains since last night.

From what I gathered online, this model is plagued with issues, so I’m looking for another one.

My requirements are:

  • Purchasable in the EU
  • Has a variant with FR or DE plugs
  • Can be monitored with NUT over USB or Ethernet
  • At least 900VA capacity but if I can get the same capacity as currently (1600VA) for about 200€ I would

Thanks a lot!

EDIT: The UPS is fine, it turns out my street’s transformer had an issue and only provided 135V instead of the expected 230V, which means that the UPS was on battery for a valid reason. What lead me to believe that the UPS was at fault was that every other appliances seemed to work fine.

  • @[email protected]
    42 months ago

    For home use (and small uses at work) I’ve found cyberpower to be cheaper than APC and yet work as well. You’d likely need to get a model with a network card option, and that’ll cost more I think. I’m not in EU though, so IDK what model would meet your needs and price point (which seems pretty low to me for a network enabled UPS).