No reason, just asking.

  • @eran_morad
    512 days ago

    I kinda still am amused by his bullshit. Had to block that jimmy dore fucktard, though.

    • @barsquid
      812 days ago

      Jimmy: I am just an independent thinker, getting my news from independent sources, check my posts if you’re interested, friends.

      Jimmy’s posts: Far-right podcast, far-right podcast, far-right podcast, …

        • @barsquid
          610 days ago

          Did you forget to log into your other sock puppet MAGA campaign accounts or are you responding to the wrong comment?

          • Socialist Mormon SatanistM
            -810 days ago

            Sorry, comrade, this is my only account. I guess it just really pisses you off that there are others that think the same way I do.

            But hey, keep trolling. I’ll keep posting. You’re a fucking MAGA troll trying to make everyone suspicious of everything.

            I’ll keep posting, you keep crying. Cool?

            • @barsquid
              610 days ago

              You are so mad when you get called out as a MAGA. Everyone else gets your fake “thank you.” You are so mad you are responding to me when we aren’t even talking about you. Feels good to know I’m enraging a racist MAGA who loves genocide.

              • Socialist Mormon SatanistM
                10 days ago

                Actually you’re the one who’s MAGA and trying to convince everyone that everyone else is the bad guy. You specifically go around accusing anyone and everyone of supporting Trump. Trying to create doubt and chaos.

                I’ve never been MAGA. Never supported them. Never would. But you want everyone to doubt everyone. You’re probably not even here in the US. How much is Trump’s campaign paying you? Come on, fess up. Is it enough for you to sleep well at night? Are you going to keep supporting the fascist after he loses the election?

                • @barsquid
                  710 days ago

                  You reveal your real intent in the previous comment, you are a MAGA and your only motivation other than posting MAGA propaganda is to make people angry. And the contrived “no you” dimwittery is the best you have to achieve the angry.

                  Just a troll who refuses to explain why the articles are interesting or even discuss the articles. The purpose is MAGA propaganda and making people angry. Everyone thinks you are a joke, though. We are all having a great time laughing at you.

                  • Socialist Mormon SatanistM
                    -810 days ago

                    Actually we all know that you are a MAGA and that your only motivation is to cause chaos and doubt. It’s not working, everyone can see what you’re doing. You’re just a troll trying to make people scared and angry.

                    You’re the joke. And we all know it. So you keep crying, I’ll keep posting! Cool?