Background: My monitor has a local dim option that produces flicker when combined with VRR. So for games where I care about HDR I have been turning off VRR.

My question is, to avoid judder and have evenly paced frames, what is the recommendation?

I have a max refresh of 160 so if I can’t hit that consistently should a cap at something that divides evenly into 160? For instance, 80 or 40. Should I avoid other common frame caps, like 60 or 120?

  • millionOP
    15 months ago

    Maybe it’s in my head, but I feel like if I am running a game at a weird rate, like hover 100 it’s pretty noticeable with VRR on and off in terms of smoothness.

    So you are saying the cap doesn’t matter so much as the consistency to hit that?

    • @givesomefucks
      15 months ago

      Wait, are you just turning VRR off and on to test the difference?

      You’ll notice it if you play one long enough to get used to it and switch. Consciousnessly we only get like 60hz, but especially with really fast paced shooters, the parts of our brains that process it get used to it being perfect. And feeling “weird” is just that part of our brain signally to the rest that something has changed. It’s a change in perception and that could be a big deal sometimes.

      If you switch back and forth that will always happen, it’s meant to.

      But if you have VRR, just use VRR. Literally nothing is going to be better than that. Then only issues you’d have is if VRR range wasn’t all the way up to the max 180hz. That’s what I mean, there’s likely something else going on.

      But just pick one and stick with it and it’ll stop seeming weird.

      • millionOP
        15 months ago

        Read my original post - for HDR content I need to turn off VRR. Not ideal but it’s the reality for my monitor.