So I just read this book on history of games called “Blood, Sweat and Pixels” and was fascinated by the chapter on The Witcher 3 and mostly how the team put in so much thought and care in every single side quest. And seems that there are a lot of moral decision to be made on each adventure. So I finally decided to give it a try. Got any advice for me?

  • @[email protected]
    135 months ago

    First few hours can seem slow with the early map not being the most exciting, but if you make it through the huge world opens up and things start getting much more exciting.

    When I played I printed out a side quest list to try to experience as much of the game a possible and checked off ones I completed. Side quests are amazing and better than the main quest as opposed to being the usual fetch quest with a weak or no story.

    • pflanzenregal
      45 months ago

      Good advice. It took me two or three attempts to finally get hooked by the game. But it was totally worth it.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Yeah, the first map area is small and kind of lifeless and I think like 3 hours long? Some don’t give a game longer than that, but the entire game took like 300 hours for me to finish so it was very small portion of a very long dense game.

    • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
      5 months ago

      Yeah, the intro is honestly awful. The game suffers from some major Kingdom Hearts 2 Syndrome. The goal is to teach you how larger Witcher contracts work, but it just slogs and there’s very little plot development for the first few hours of the game. The plot picks up once you get out of the starting area and to the Bloody Baron, so withhold judgement until you get to that point.

      Also, the combat can be rough in the early game, but the difficulty quickly tapers off as you begin leveling up. By the end of the game, you’ll be mowing through enemies even on the Death March difficulty.