I have been using a plugin recently in Rider that basically hooks most features of the app to notifications that teach me the current keyboard shortcut for said feature. It has some customization options such as needing a threshold of usages before prompting, reminders, etc. It’s even gamified a little bit by tracking how many times you successfully used the shortcuts and how much time you estimatedly saved.

I really like this plugin and I’m wondering if anyone knows of a similar plugin for NeoVim? I have been exclusively using NeoVim at home for terminal file edits to help learn it and I’m getting better slowly but I just figured maybe I could accelerate this with something helpful like that.

If this doesn’t exist, does anyone have any offhand resources for getting started with NeoVim plugin development?

  • @rwdf
    72 days ago

    Were you thinking of the Hardtime plugin?

    Which-key is great, btw. I think I learn a new shortcut or something every day using it.