I wonder what “Irish American Zionist” Joe Biden thinks of this?

  • @Burn_The_Right
    35 months ago

    Let’s hope “Mama U.S.” flips the script immediately upon inauguration. I have heard she does not agree with Biden’s position on this at all, but needs to play along for appearances and for that critical AIPAC money.

    That AIPAC money is only critical in election season, which ends soon. I’ll cross my fingers, but I won’t hold my breath.

    • @[email protected]
      95 months ago

      Kamala? The one promising to make the US the most lethal armed forces in the world? She’s going to rein in Israel?

    • @Maalus
      85 months ago

      That’s literally cope 101. She has shown on multiple occasions that she doesn’t give a shit about Palestinians. She is as pro genocide as Biden is.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      AIPAC has been messing in democratic primaires to make sure nobody critical of Israel is left in Congress. Even if electeds aren’t actual Zionist believers, they’ll go along to keep their jobs.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      Unfortunately even if she wins and wanted to restrain Israel, AIPAC money could still be spent against Democrats in the midterms.

      Support for Israel is going to have to become much more unpopular with voters before we see real action from politicians.

      This article describes how Israel’s favorability has gone down globally but in the US it had only taken a very small hit last year. As the genocide as progressed and the war widened, maybe that favorability has taken more of a hit.

      Time Israel’s Favorability