• @A_Very_Big_Fan
    105 months ago

    I think they’re getting at the bot problem. They steal and repost cat pics to any and all cat subs regardless of if it’s relevant to the sub.

    • @Dicska
      35 months ago

      At one point the same activity started ruining /r/animalsbeinggeniuses. Either utterly dumb users, or, more likely, botted accounts started spamming the sub with random animal photos/videos. Then, when I dared to point out that a sitting cat/dog isn’t just genius for simply being cute or by being able to jump far, I often got downvoted because bUt It’S sO cUtE, hOw CaN yOu HaTe CuTe AnImAlS.

      I stopped following Reddit content more than a year ago, but I’m not too surprised to see that the same is happening everywhere else.

      • @A_Very_Big_Fan
        25 months ago

        I often got downvoted because bUt It’S sO cUtE, hOw CaN yOu HaTe CuTe AnImAlS.

        I’m glad I’m not alone there lmao. I subbed to nearly every pet sub there was, and over half of them were dominated by either bots or idiots who didn’t understand what the topic was.

        Then actual users would get so offended on behalf of the animal but all I was saying was the content is off-topic.