A nine-minute, unedited, undercover interview with Roger Stone revealed some of the MAGA ally’s more disturbing goals for a second Trump administration.

The covert recording of a discussion between Stone and an undercover journalist at a meet and greet in Jacksonville, Florida, on August 4, published by documentarian Lauren Windsor, caught Stone admitting live on camera that he already intends to send “armed guards to dispute the election in Detroit” and to imprison “former Attorney General Bill Barr if Trump returns to power.”

Under the guise of discussing a far-right program to get more like-minded people back into the federal government, Stone shared his disdain for Barr, deriding him as a “traitorous piece of human garbage.” He also lamented that, while president, “Donald Trump never controlled the Justice Department.”

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  • EleventhHour
    5 months ago

    When I think of Roger Stone, I think of the ignominiousness of Roy Cohn, and the especially ironic (and very horrible) way he died.

    Sadly, as much as I hate Roger Stone, I cannot wish that upon him. However, I do hope he does meet at least an equal amount of irony in his demise.

    Edit: for the curious, check out Angels in America. Be prepared to cry.

    • Beacon
      125 months ago

      He died of AIDS complications, which isn’t a nice way to go but it’s not notably worse than many of the other typical ways people die.


      A couple of people seem to be misreading what i wrote. I specifically said AIDS is a bad way to go, but so are zillions of other common ways such as Alzheimer’s.

      • EleventhHour
        135 months ago

        Having witnessed so many friends and a boyfriend die from this disease over the past few decades, I must say— you know nothing of how horrific this disease is. To live through or to witness.

        The only reason it is, now, a survivable disease is nothing short of medical miracles— but it is particularly offensive to downplay - or even to equivocate - on its horrors. Keep in mind that the vast majority of those with HIV/AIDS cannot afford effective treatment to mitigate the disease, and, thusly, will die horribly from it.

        We should always check our privilege. Not everyone in this world will ever get modern medical care. It’s something we all must work towards.

        • Beacon
          65 months ago

          I specifically said that it IS horrible, but so is dying from cancer, and so is dying from Alzheimer’s, etc.

          • EleventhHour
            25 months ago

            AIDS is not a simple disease, but a constellation of effects and ills. It can provoke cancer (so can the meds), and it can also provoke early-onset Alzheimer’s.

            It’s much worse than either.

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        I worked in the specialty AIDS ward in St. Stephen’s hospital in London (before any meds were available).

        AIDS has a devil’s banquet of particular cruelties as the diseases it kills with are many, some are particularly horrific, and they overlap so that the comorbidity of all this horrible shit happening at once is itself an overriding cruelty.

        Sometimes it goes on forever, and also I watched buff fit vibrant people burst out in painful cancerous lesions and waste away to a stick figure in a month.

        AIDS is a concentration camp not a prison, unless you have the best meds and care.

        • Beacon
          35 months ago

          I know, it’s horrible, but so is Alzheimer’s and a zillion others.

      • EleventhHour
        5 months ago

        AIDS. For such a devout and pernicious homophobe, he turned out to be gay, himself. And, fucking around with other men - without condoms in the 80s - was a terribly reckless practice. Of course, Roy Cohen could never imagine it happening to him, yet it did. It was his final indignity, and one of the most amazing forms of irony in practice in recent history.

        • xapr [he/him]
          85 months ago

          Ah, ok, thanks. Now that you mention it, that rings a bell. I understand better what you meant with your earlier post. Thanks.

          • EleventhHour
            145 months ago


            Sometimes I forget how many younger people are here on lemmy, and all you kids may not get the older references.

            Sad to say, but the Republicans have been absolute fuckfaces since the Nixon administration.

            • @RubberElectrons
              5 months ago

              I’d say before, read up on that trashbag Goldwater for example. And he was their voice of sanity!

              • EleventhHour
                5 months ago

                And it’s extremely disturbing as to how far the Overton window has shifted to the right when compared to that crazy.

            • @eran_morad
              35 months ago

              The last decent repub was Eisenhower.

    • Atelopus-zeteki
      65 months ago

      From Wikipedia: “According to Roger Stone, Cohn’s “absolute goal was to die completely broke and owing millions to the IRS. He succeeded in that.”[64]” Cohn died (August 6, 1986) of complications related to AIDS, while in complete denial about that fact.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      Sadly, as much as I hate Roger Stone, I cannot wish that upon him.

      That’s too bad… Here, I’ll do it for you.