LinkedIn will be using information shared on the platform to train AI models. Make sure you opt out in the settings (should you believe that the opt-out option is legit).

  • @avguser
    395 months ago

    In regions where LinkedIn or its affiliates use member data to train generative AI models for content creation, you can choose to opt-out of having your personal data and content you create on LinkedIn used for training (including fine-tuning). To opt out, use the Data for Generative AI Improvement member setting. Opting out means that LinkedIn and its affiliates won’t use your personal data or content on LinkedIn to train models going forward, but does not affect training that has already taken place.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      How the fuck is this allowed.

      "We shared all your data, but you can tell us not to if you want. I mean, we already did it, but, you know how it is… 🤷‍♂️ "

      And they have the nerve to call the heading “Trust and safety”. TRUST?! There’s no trust for anyone who would sell my data to the highest bidder. Or even anyone who will offer pennies.

      • Treedrake
        155 months ago

        Probably why this isn’t enabled in the EU. GDPR wouldn’t have allowed it.

    • Otter
      165 months ago

      Finding the setting:

      • tap profile to open the sidebar and use the gear there (the one on the homescreen is only for notification settings)
      • data privacy
      • data for generative improvement