• @GhostFaceSkrilla
    3 hours ago

    This is extremely misleading. Fuck Trump 10000 times and kamala is the only sane choice, but stop trying to paint over reality to try and make her look like she’s not just a lesser evil.

    She didn’t just “not promise to solve 1000 year conflict” (which the genocide has been going on for the last 75 years),

    she did promise to continue funding genocide with American taxpayer dollars. (Of which the US has been giving and average of $5 billion in tax dollars and weapons to Isreal per year for the last 75 years, since they first invaded Palestine).

    We are voting for her because she is the lesser evil. We don’t have to be happy about it or stop criticizing her on her bad policies.

    Basically: Vote for Harris, but also fuck her for vowing to continue funding genocide. Trump would also keep funding genocide, and he’d also destroy what’s left of the west, on top of every other obvious reason he should never be in power again (and never should have been).

    • @[email protected]
      192 hours ago

      Right wing morons and shills can’t exactly base their arguments on how much better Republicans are, so they come at it sideways with this bullshit.

      Well, jokes on them because “the left” isn’t made up of complete morons like they have in the MAGA movement. Despite neoliberal whining to the contrary, the left has been consistently the most reliable voting demographic the Democrats have, and that’s despite the fact that the establishment shits on us at every opportunity.

    • @givesomefucks
      323 hours ago

      OP consistently makes posts that only divide the Dem base.

      Considering they started out with AI posts lying about early voting, I guess it’s an improvement?

    • sunzu2
      -553 hours ago

      vote third party IMHO

      fuck the two party regime that got us cornered here. vote for either party is providing genocide legitimacy.

      • @[email protected]
        253 hours ago

        Sounds good on paper or if not on battleground state. I remember people pissed at DNC in 2016 got us Trump the first time.

        • @Alwaysnownevernotme
          62 hours ago

          Technically running the least popular candidate in history while simultaneously pied pipering the most dangerous candidate in history was not perpetrated by “people pissed at DNC”.

          • @[email protected]
            22 hours ago

            Blame the voters for consistently snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is a core tenet of Dem strategy, and of liberalism for that matter.

        • @givesomefucks
          2 hours ago

          I remember people pissed at DNC in 2016 got us Trump the first time.

          Other people would blame Clinton’s campaign for refusing to move to the left to get more votes.

          They had a very “vote for me or fuck you” approach, much like OP’s meme.

          But when looking at exit polling, progressives showed up and voted D like we always do. Clinton lost by slim margins in a couple of important battleground states she mostly ignored.

          And I’m not saying all that to bring up old wounds, it’s because Hillary’s people became Bidens people who became Kamala’s.

          They’re still the ones making these policy decisions that are wildly unpopular.

          They shouldn’t be in charge still, but they are.

      • @[email protected]
        233 hours ago

        And voting third party is saying “I don’t care whether we get a bit of genocide or a lot of genocide,” which itself is legitimizing genocide.

        • Jennykichu
          203 hours ago

          “Harm reduction” is not in the vocabulary of these internet addicted “intellectuals”.

          • @[email protected]
            82 hours ago

            Keep in mind that most of them (like OP) are right wing agitators trying to drive a wedge.

            • @Jiggle_Physics
              11 hour ago

              While I agree this is definitely a big issue, most of my friends are various leftists. There is a clear line where the white, straight, cis, financially secure, and healthy ones are, or were, definitely of this mind. Though, in my case, few of them are still this way, after years of discourse with everyone else, who don’t have the privilege of not having to vote DNC, lest our lives become quantifiably more dangerous.

            • @[email protected]
              -52 hours ago

              No people know what it means to pick the less disgusting turd out of the bowl. They’re just tired of eating shit for “strategic reasons”.

              • @[email protected]
                41 hour ago

                Am I the only one who just realized that these people who are so tired are usually just kids who’ve voted in at most two elections and didn’t even participate in the primaries or local elections?

                If y’all put half the energy into being consistent voters that ya did in bitching about “having to” once in a blue moon when you’re dragged by the hair to the polls first.

          • @[email protected]
            31 hour ago

            Kinda gave the game away by admitting you get called bigot enough to be seen as a generic NPC complaint to you

          • @[email protected]
            33 hours ago

            They are doing the same amount of genocide

            Try to make your point without spouting misinformation.

              • @[email protected]
                -53 hours ago

                In the above comment, we see the following items directly out of the alt-right playbook:

                • Never play defense (doesn’t provide backing for their statement, because they can’t, and instead just tries something else)
                • Control the conversation (spins things and tries to change the subject)
                • Ship of Theseus (changes fundamental things about their argument without admitting it)

                Why is @[email protected] using the alt-right playbook for their online argumentation? I’ll leave that up to the reader.

                • Cowbee [he/him]
                  32 hours ago

                  I played defense, I never changed the subject, and never changed the fundamentals of the argument. You made the baseless claim that Trump would be far worse for the Palestinian people, while Biden has given Israel everything and then some, without backing it up. You can’t actually answer my point so you slander me as alt-right despite advocating for Marxism.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -52 hours ago

                    Ooh we can add the death of a euphemism and putting words into the mouths of others (a subset of controlling the conversation) to that!

                    Advocating for actions that will help fascists take power isn’t advocating for Marxism. It’s advocating for fascism, regardless of how much faux-Marxist language one puts around it.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -12 hours ago

                    Someone who calls themselves a socialist but advocates actions that help fascism isn’t a socialist. They might believe in the ideals of socialism, but in practice those actions are fascist. When they use the alt-right playbook to make those same talking points, I will call that out.

        • sunzu2
          -123 hours ago

          Genocide is happening either way. Only option for american peasant is to go into opposition to the two party regime.

          • @[email protected]
            21 hour ago

            Someone who’d go as far as calling them the “American Peasant” probably doesn’t know enough about their interests to be talking at them about what their interests as a class are.

          • @[email protected]
            123 hours ago

            Voting 3rd party in this election isn’t the grand protest against the 2 party system you think it is.

          • @[email protected]
            83 hours ago

            Organize. Build a coalition. Those are great things to do to oppose the regime.

            Voting third party or not voting aren’t opposing the regime. They’re telling the regime “I don’t care whether you’re a little bit evil or very evil.” Harm reduction comes by voting for the lesser evil in the ballot box. Opposing the regime comes in actually building a coalition for less evil, not advocating for actions that’ll make the more evil option more likely.

      • @someguy3
        93 hours ago

        Voting 3rd party for progressivism is the biggest self own in history. We could have had Gore, but nooo.

        • @[email protected]
          41 hour ago

          Behind every upset conservative victory, there was a progressive who insisted they shouldn’t have to be voting for the lesser of two evils.

      • @[email protected]
        73 hours ago
        1. There are two choices in the United States 2024 election. No third party stands a ghost of a chance of winning. No, not even if the 30,000 people you can reach on Lemmy all vote for Timothy Greenparty.
        2. A Trump victory in 2024 would not only be just as bad if not worse for the citizens of Gaza than Harris would, but also pose an existential threat to a large number of vulnerable Americans (trans people, immigrants, women seeking abortions).
        3. Given the margins of victory in 2016 and 2020, Kamala might not win if leftists don’t vote for her.
        4. Snoozing fascism for four years is better than inviting it through the door now, and buys us time to build our defenses for when it comes back.

        I’d like to focus my counterargument. Which of these statements do you disagree with?

        • sunzu2
          -62 hours ago

          I don’t care if either regime whore wins, either one is L for me.

          Y’all keep trying to do this left/right american politics bullshit, which inherently enablers the regime.

          • @TheFonz
            42 hours ago

            They’re both identical, right?

            • sunzu2
              -32 hours ago

              They serve the same function within the regime. But sure one is funded by Exxon and another one microsoft, so they are different in that way.