Hi @[email protected],

What’s your opinion about making it possible to post at multiple galleries at once? Currently, we have to use seeds, which works but can be cumbersome, especially on mobile. It would be nice to have the ability to put multiple gallery names separated by commas when saving without having to think about seeds.

  • @perchanceM
    5 hours ago

    I’d been put this off for quite a while because I thought it’d require a database restructuring, but I realised just now that there’s an easy way to do it, so it’s done. Thanks for nudging me again on this! (IIRC you [and several others] asked for this feature quite a while ago)

    Currently it just allows you to change the channel and submit again. It’s a bit annoying imo - ideally you’d be able to have a list of pinned channels names and just tap the channel name to send it there. But less annoying than before, for sure. Please bug me to improve this at your leisure.

    Also, side note: I really need to finally get around to upgrading the image models themselves. This is very high on my priority list, and it should result in a pretty substantial improvement in image quality and prompt comprehension. I’m always a bit too optimistic, but I’m hoping to finally get this done within the next few weeks - fingers crossed.