• @DaddleDew
    785 hours ago

    Imagine living in a 1950’s time bubble. You are being constantly told through propaganda that your military force is cutting edge and that it can easily overwhelm any enemy.

    Then you are being sent to fight on a battlefield where everyone has better gear than you, where you are confronted to weapons that are so far advanced beyond anything that you’ve ever seen they might as well be magic. Then you see said weapons completely obliterate your comrades without giving you a chance to even see the enemy who operates them.

    You only obeyed so far because you feared what your government might do to you if you didn’t. Now you’ve found something that you fear even more.

    • @Num10ck
      162 hours ago

      imagine them seeing the drone for the first time.

    • @itsnotits
      22 hours ago

      you are confronted by* weapons

      • @[email protected]
        193 hours ago

        Novel? As in a book of fiction? This is happening right now. I am sure some video of this will come out of this sad story and maybe in a few years some of these people who surrendered will be able to write their own story first hand. (I am assuming they will not want to go back to nk).