• @Stovetop
    185 hours ago

    I do think it’s a bit silly, but it’s apparently something that presidential candidates have done for decades, just some way to “prove” that they are physically fit to lead and aren’t going to suddenly croak partway through their administration from some condition they’re covering up. As if that actually serves as any real proof when their doctor will basically publish whatever they tell them to, but easy to see how the whole practice gets weaponized during an election when “everyone does it”.

    • can_you_change_your_username
      42 hours ago

      Coverups come to light eventually. Remember the outrage when it was revealed that President Bartlett had MS? Some presidents like Reagan or FDR get lucky and it doesn’t come out until they’ve left office.

    • @Mango
      -244 hours ago

      Yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous. The president should have some privacy as much as I think the rest of us should.

      • @[email protected]
        123 hours ago

        Their privacy is when they want to bang their spouse.

        Their medical records would be an important document to make decisions on who is going to represent the entire country. Medical conditions can effect future actions, especially when it is cognitive decline. People lose privacy when they run for office. Just like military members don’t have the same rights as civilians. They give up some rights to serve.