• @Mango
    -475 hours ago

    Why does anyone need to show their medical records???

    • The Pantser
      715 hours ago

      Prove they don’t have a terminal illness that is gonna kill you before your term ends. If you have cancer with a 1 year life expectancy the voters need to know that the VP will be taking over soon. Also those with nothing to live for might be quick to launch nukes just because they know they will be dead soon anyways. Oh one more if you are on chemo maybe you won’t be able to dedicate your time to actually making America great because you are hugging the golden throne.

      • peopleproblems
        24 hours ago

        Porcelain throne. I don’t think the toilet at the white house or hospital you get your chemo at has a gold toilet. And if it does, I really want to shit in it to say I did

    • @[email protected]
      505 hours ago

      In the 80s republicans hid Reagan’s severe dementia and carted him around Weekend-at-Bernie’s-style, bypassing the normal safeguards and Presidential succession stuff. So it’s kind of pertinent

    • @Stovetop
      185 hours ago

      I do think it’s a bit silly, but it’s apparently something that presidential candidates have done for decades, just some way to “prove” that they are physically fit to lead and aren’t going to suddenly croak partway through their administration from some condition they’re covering up. As if that actually serves as any real proof when their doctor will basically publish whatever they tell them to, but easy to see how the whole practice gets weaponized during an election when “everyone does it”.

      • can_you_change_your_username
        42 hours ago

        Coverups come to light eventually. Remember the outrage when it was revealed that President Bartlett had MS? Some presidents like Reagan or FDR get lucky and it doesn’t come out until they’ve left office.

      • @Mango
        -244 hours ago

        Yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous. The president should have some privacy as much as I think the rest of us should.

        • @[email protected]
          123 hours ago

          Their privacy is when they want to bang their spouse.

          Their medical records would be an important document to make decisions on who is going to represent the entire country. Medical conditions can effect future actions, especially when it is cognitive decline. People lose privacy when they run for office. Just like military members don’t have the same rights as civilians. They give up some rights to serve.

    • @[email protected]OP
      5 hours ago

      He has in the past, but hasn’t this cycle and it is a norm for presidential candidates to release it

      • Nougat
        194 hours ago

        I don’t think he actually has. He’s released “letters” from personal physicians touting his excellent health, but never a proper medical report.

        • Funderpants
          134 hours ago

          Letters written in Trumps exact tone, cadence, bombast, and self serving egotism.

          • @[email protected]
            340 minutes ago

            He’s got the best health, better than any other patient I’ve seen! Strong veins… he’s got all the bones, many very fine teeth! Beautiful daughter, Ivanka, very beautiful. Testosterone is off the charts, he’s a very human man… entirely muscle, completely pronoun free! They say he’s quite smart, went to Wharton, best student they’ve had in the history of colleges and universities before they all went woke. Big brain, almost too large for his head! Never has a patient score higher on a physical examination, and I’d know because I’m a doctor!

      • @[email protected]
        -32 hours ago

        Kinda sucks though. That time I went to the doctor for a recurrent hot red rash on the back of my scrotum is just going to draw the wrong kind of attention when I run for office.

        A lot of people didn’t even know Roosevelt was crippled when they voted him into office and he turned out pretty ok.

        I can’t blame someone for wanting to keep their health issues private. I have two chronic conditions that would likely cause me to loose my job or at the very least not be hired by many other places if the wrong peoptknew about the.

        Trump is clearly demented but was in poor mental health even when he was president. The fools voting for him have just bought into the hate and fear he represents. At this point his performance andental state are completely irrelevant to them. They would vote for his corpse stretched over one of Elons robots at this point.

      • @Mango
        -63 hours ago

        Seems like normal decent boundaries matter less when you’re at that political scale.