• @Zachariah
    102 months ago

    If you’re not going to vote for Harris, I have some advice for you:

    • @eltrain123
      62 months ago

      This doesn’t make sense. Whether they sit out or vote 3rd party doesn’t matter. The strategic reason for GOP financiers supporting a 3rd party candidate is to draw votes away from their opponent. A sit-out or a vote for 3rd party achieves the same thing.

      Encouraging people to sit out is just encouraging people to disengage from the entire process, which will enforce a trend that helps GOP candidates.

      • @Zachariah
        42 months ago

        This person wants us to vote for Trump.

    • John Richard
      -272 months ago

      So your job is now to tell people in a democracy that the shouldn’t vote for their preferred candidate. Are you sure you don’t just want fascism?

      • @mycodesucks
        52 months ago

        I see an awful lot of angry putting people on the defense, but let’s turn this around. What result that’s brought about by your vote for Stein creates the world that you want to see? In your world, what does the world look like on the morning of November 6th, and what have you accomplished?

        • John Richard
          2 months ago

          Voting for Stein puts Democrats on notice that if they can’t stop serving their donors and start serving the American people, then they’ll be to blame for their loss. They need to earn people’s votes. They aren’t entitled to votes just because they aren’t the other candidate.

          • @mycodesucks
            12 months ago

            In all seriousness, do you think it will do that? There’s no place on a ballot to put the REASON you cast your vote, so isn’t it possible the Democrats who look at the post-mortem choose to interpret your vote in some other way?

            • John Richard
              2 months ago

              Kamala’s poll numbers have dropped significantly. They know the reasons but so far they’d rather lose than stop the flow of AIPAC donations.

              • @mycodesucks
                2 months ago

                You didn’t answer my question even a little.

                It’s not a difficult question.

                We’ve established your action and your goal.

                Your action: Voting for Jill Stein Your goal: To force Democrats to remove corporate interests from their platform and selection process

                I’m with you. Now it’s a question.

                Do you, in your heart of hearts, rubber meets the road, believe the action you are going to take will lead to the goal you want?

                It’s a simple yes or no. Do you?

                • @mycodesucks
                  2 months ago

                  Your silence tells me everything I need to know about your sincerity. Thanks.

      • @Zachariah
        42 months ago

        If you’re going to tell people to vote for Donald, I’d rather you and anyone you convince to sit this one out. Since voting for your preferred candidate undermines any chance we have to make progress in the U.S.

        • John Richard
          -72 months ago

          I’ve never told anyone to vote for Donald, but you’re certainly helping Donald win by attacking a third party candidate, who by your logic is stealing more votes from Trump than Kamala.