• @Scolding7300
    25 months ago

    What’s the antidote for that then?

    • The Octonaut
      175 months ago

      Stop making violence the only thing you’ll react to in any way? Or indeed, stop responding to peaceful resistance with violence (eg the civil rights marches in Northern Ireland).

      It might seem like Palestine has been a hopeless mire forever, but there was a point in the 90s where the last reasonable leaders of both sides were coming together for a peaceful solution. Hamas and the Israeli right wing - the “both sides” of today - were on the fringe.

      Then Yitzhak Rabin was killed by an Israeli right-winger, Israel inexplicably responded by killing a Hamas leader, Arab civilians were massacred at the Cave of Patriarchs by an American Israeli, and Hamas responded with more bombings, Yassar Arafat died under siege by the IDF, Hamas took control of Gaza, and well, here we are.

      The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin is probably as impactful to history of that of Archduke Ferdinand, but seems to be being forgotten.

      • @[email protected]
        75 months ago

        Rabin was murdered by a Likud fanatic with personal ties to Mossad. Israel disputes any involvement of Mossad. Before the murder, Likud and other fascists called for the murder of Rabin and depicted him as new Hitler. After the murder of Rabin Netanyahu took power. While there were supposed center or progressive governments in between Netanyahus reigns, they all continued the annexation of more Palestinian land to make a two state solution or any solution except ethnic cleansing and genocide impossible.

        It is important to understand that all of Israels society has been poisoned into various degrees of fascism over the past 30 years.

        • @Keeponstalin
          05 months ago

          Zionism has always been Fascism, since it’s inception as a Setter Colonialist Ideology. Ethnic Cleansing has been fundamental to it since Herzl

    • acargitz
      5 months ago

      At this point the Israelis have made the two state solution impossible because of their settling of the best lands of the West Bank in such a way that makes a contiguous truly independent Palestinian state impossible.

      So the only way forward is Democracy with safety and equal rights for all, Jews, Muslims, Christians, and others from the river to the sea.

      The Israeli right of the last 30 years has basically made it a choice between genocide and apartheid and the end of Zionism as we know it.

      So there.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      Help - provide food, housing, education. Stop dehumanizing people. Help them build a peaceful future. Everyone will benefit from that.

      But that would require actual good will.

      • @[email protected]
        -55 months ago

        Your fatal assumption is that the Palestinians want peace too. They were given pipes to create water lines, they turned the pipes into rockets. You can’t have piece when neither side wants it.

        • @[email protected]
          -35 months ago

          What do expect Palestinians to do? Do you want them to waste away drinking contaminated water because Israel attacked their sole desalination plant? That isn’t peace either.

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            There are reports of water pipes being made into rockets as far back as 2014. This was before the conflict even started.

            • @[email protected]
              05 months ago

              When do you think this conflict started? Because if you’re not aware Israel has been bombing Gaza for decades. The bombing of the desalinization plant I mentioned happened in 2021 and Israel has bombed water infrastructure in Gaza far before that.

              Don’t avoid the question this time. In such circumstances what do you expect Palestinians to do? Because as far as I can tell the only answer you have for them is death.

              • @[email protected]
                15 months ago

                When do you think this conflict started? Because if you’re not aware Israel has been bombing Gaza for decades. The bombing of the desalinization plant I mentioned happened in 2021 and Israel has bombed water infrastructure in Gaza far before that.

                Which is significantly after 2014 when Palestine started using water pipes for rockets.

                Don’t avoid the question this time. In such circumstances what do you expect Palestinians to do? Because as far as I can tell the only answer you have for them is death.

                I expect if Palestine wants peace that they would use water pipes for delivery of water not explosives.

          • @[email protected]
            -25 months ago

            Yeah… Except this is total bullshit. There was an airport built in Gaza. Israel bombed it the next month to prevent Palestinians from ever developing outside of Israels occupational pressure.

            The amount of food and building materials amd other essentials being allowed into Gaza was deliberately limited to slowly degrade the living conditions in a way easily ignorable by the West.

            The smuggling Tunnels into Egypt were a great source of income for Hamas, by allowing people to smuggle in basic commodities.

            Meanwhile Israels “mowing the lawn” always revolved around slowly destroying Gaza and not allowing for rebuilding. The difference now is that they removed all restraint as the US and allies are allowing the total annihilation of all infrastructure, ethnic cleansing and genocide with impunity.