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Coming 15 Nov, a new animated short will be released staring and owl character based on the real life owl found in the 2020 Rockafeller Center tree that was rescued and released back into the wild.

About the real life Rocky (from People):

Rockefeller “Rocky” the Saw-whet owl was released near Saugerties, New York, after receiving a clean bill of health from his rescuers, avian veterinarians, and owl researchers.

The rehab center, located in Saugerties, New York, started caring for the bird on Nov. 16, after it was driven to the rescue by the wife of a man who helped transport Rockefeller Center’s famous tree this year. The man found the owl tucked in the branches of the Norway spruce, which was cut down in Oneonta, New York, while setting up the towering tree in New York City.

“What I suspect was that it was in the tree when they cut it down and it probably got trapped when they wrapped the tree in some of the branches. It was there for I think what was a three-day journey to New York City and wasn’t found until they released the branches,” Ellen Kalish, the director and founder of the wildlife center, told NBC New York about how she thinks Rockefeller – or Rocky for short – ended up in his festive predicament.

Rockefeller was released near the Ravensbeard Wildlife Center by Kalish. After sitting on the rescuer’s outstretched hand for a few moments, the little bird flew off on his own, quickly finding a new tree to perch in.

About the upcoming short:

It is written by Alfonso Cuarón, who has directed such things as Prisoner of Azkaban, Gravity, Roma, and Children of Men.

Plot summary from imdb says:

Moon, a curious young owl, unexpectedly finds himself stuck in a Christmas tree destined for Rockefeller Plaza. In his attempts to escape the bustling city, Moon befriends a lost young girl named Luna, and together, they must find a way to reunite with their parents.

      • anon6789OP
        23 days ago

        These are the one the bird banders stuff in the tomato paste cans for transport.

        There’s another Saw Whet banding event next weekend I may go to. I want to see the tiny little guys up close. I saw one at a rescue before but it was far away and hiding so I didn’t get to see much other than it was actually there.