Sorry fam, I can buy you maybe 5 minutes. Make 'em count.

  • @WarlockLawyer
    102 hours ago

    I disagree and think this is just perpetuates the mistaken belief that torture actually provides results.

    “Everything we know from psychology, physiology, neuroscience, and psychiatry about behaviour and the brain under extreme stress, pain, sleep deprivation, extremes of hot and cold suggests that torture as a method for information extraction does not work — it may produce information, but that information is not reliable. There are also numerous first-hand reports of torture survivors that make the point amply: an individual subjected to torture will say anything to make it stop.”

    • @[email protected]
      129 minutes ago

      Torture and money will give you a ton of information but not reliable information.

      Because in the first case the person will say anything to make you stop and in the second case the person will say anything to make you continue.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      72 hours ago

      You’re right that it doesn’t provide reliable information because the person being tortured will say absolutely anything to make it stop. But, I’m not clear on what you’re disagreeing with, because I don’t think anything you said contradicts anything I said.

    • @JubilantJaguar
      11 hour ago

      Agree completely. And the fact should be obvious if you think about it for two seconds.

      I remember almost walking out of that movie Zero Dark Thirty. A major blockbuster based on the premise that torture works. One example among many. Apparently there are a ton of people who want this myth to be true.