• @[email protected]
    2 days ago

    Sentencing Trump before the election risks the sentence being thrown out, even if Trump loses.

    Gonna need a source on that. Because the only reason Merchan cited for delaying sentencing was to avoid the appearance of influencing the election.

    There’s no reason to suspect that sentencing him in September would’ve resulted in it being thrown out, and the claim doesn’t even make any sense. There’s no reason he couldn’t have just been ordered to report to prison (if that’s what he was sentenced to) after the election. Delaying sentencing was not part of some cunning legal maneuvering, it was just cowardice in the face of the possibility of appearing to influence an election by sentencing a felon on schedule.

    • @chaogomu
      02 days ago

      It would be instantly appealed to the Supreme Court, who are in Trump’s pocket. They would then have an excuse to just throw out the convictions.

      But a delayed sentencing… well. that keeps the ball in Judge Merchan’s court. Trump can’t really appeal until after the sentencing. So Trump is still a felon. And will be until November 26th.

      At that point it will be clear who has won the election, even if Trump still has some sort of game he wants to play, Trump is playing from a position of weakness, because he’s not the president.

      Anyway. Once Trump loses, because it’s becoming clear he will lose, Judge Merchan will have that felony conviction and every incentive to get Trump away from the microphone. Trump has broken the contempt order half a dozen times already. So there’s even a valid reason to lock Trump’s ass up for a few years.

        • @chaogomu
          12 days ago

          Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts. He disobeyed the Judge and was held in contempt multiple times.

          Trump is going to jail because he’s earned it.

          But also to get him away from a microphone. Trump needs that microphone to be effective. Better to lock him away than let him build support for more election denial.